Chapter 16- Proportions

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Chapter 16- Proportions

Zhao Hai nimbly threw the water sphere into the spatial well. In any case, this water is not toxic and the quality of the water is not bad as well, let it return to the source.

Then Zhao Hai once again took a quick look at the pile of black soil, which had not been handled yet. The pile was not in the least big, no more than half a meter high.

Presently Zhao Hai knows that spatial water and soil can be used to change the black soil. However, he is not in a rush and intends to conduct some research to find the best method.

Looking at the black soil for some time, Zhao Hai confidently said: “Shovel, split this pile into 10 equal parts.”

Zhao Hai barely finished speaking as the shovel begins to work, soil was split up automatically into 10 equal parts. Zhao Hai took a new look at the situation and was delighted. Seems like as long as things are within this space, it can be used in accordance to his volitional movements. It was really wonderful.

Suddenly, he got a bright idea and decided to try it out: “Space, calculate the optimal ratio of spatial water and soil for the improvement of the black soil.”

“Abuse of authority, cannot be calculated!”

“CRAP! Heaven helps those who help themselves. Seems like I should fall back upon myself.” Zhao Hai was not able to refrain from cursing. He focused on the bucket and it filled itself with the spatial water, also he again used the shovel and scooped some space soil.

It is essential for Zhao Hail to calculate good proportions. He is afraid of overusing space water and soil, in case the amount of it decreases. In such a situation the game is not worth the candle.

Zhao Hai is relying mostly on the space farm now. If the space farm breaks down, then all of his plans will collapse. It will result in a life of poverty in this sinister place.

On the basis of such consideration, Zhao Hai wanted to calculate the optimal ratio of spatial water and soil required for the conversion of the black soil. It will allow not only to improve the quality of the soil, but also to decrease the quantity of water and soil used.

Although the space farm still has the basic game settings, but it is his last resort. He couldn’t just play it like a casual game, each of his decisions must be calculated beforehand.

First, Zhao Hai decided to moisten a lump of black soil, while carefully watching changes within it and calculating the right ratio.

This whole situation with the spatial water pouring on black soil from above, looked like Guanyin (Goddess of Mercy) holding the amphora with the willow pattern on it and the divine dew inside of it. The black soil immediately changed. Similarly to the oily sand, the black soil bit by bit got rid of something like oil drip. The color of the soil also changed, it is not as dark as before and the granular sand changed into ordinary soil.

After the transformation of that lump of soil, Zhao Hai made a careful calculation. Seems like ratio is about 15:1, in other words 15 drops of water can change 1 lump of black soil.

Zhao Hai was satisfied with the results. It means that spatial water has a strong influence on the black soil. Next, holding the spatial soil hollow, he began to scatter it on another lump of black soil. This time the results were a little bit different, it was even more productive. The ratio of spatial soil needed to change black soil was 10:1.

Zhao Hai proceeded to the third lump of black soil. This time he used both spatial water and soil with the ratio 9:1. The results were successful, but there was no difference from using the spatial water alone.

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