Chapter 6 - Plotting

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Chapter 6 - Plotting

Low key, he definitely had to be low key!

Having read countless transmigration novels, Zhao Hai clearly understood that if he didn't know how to be low key in another world, then he wouldn't have a good ending. Zhao Hai believed that novels were just fiction, the reason why those MC's could call the wind and summon the rain in other worlds was all because of the author's golden fingers. If one person, alone in an unfamiliar environment, still acted so unbridled, the consequences definitely wouldn't be good.

Now Zhao Hai's status was that of the Buda clan's last heir, and at the same time they had even offended the most powerful factions in the Aksu Empire. Under such circumstances, if he didn't keep low key, then the first to die would definitely be him.

Even if he had the spatial farm to hide in now, there were still too many ways to kill one person alone, and Zhao Hai didn't want to carelessly misplace his head while asleep.

Just as Zhao Hai was thinking about these things, there was suddenly a knock on the door. Zhao Hai looked distracted, but at once said: "Enter."

Meg pushed open the door and walked inside, her head low without looking at Zhao Hai, bowing to him and saying: "Young master." Then nothing else.

Zhao Hai looked at Meg's appearance, and also had a brief wry smile. The reason Meg didn't raise her head to look at him was because Adam had previously wanted to molest her because of her beauty. Ultimately he didn't succeed, but from then on Meg had always avoided Adam, and even if the met, she would only lower her head and call him 'young master', then turn around and leave.

Zhao Hai sighed, this was all trouble caused by Adam, but it fell on him to deal with it. Heavens, this really is a crop of disaster.

Zhao Hai looked at Meg's appearance, then sighed again: "I'm alright, you go down and rest. I'll also sleep a while, it's fine if you come call me for supper."

Meg made an answering noise, then turned around and left. After stepping outside, she still kept guard outside Zhao Hai's door. Looking at her as if fleeing from him, Zhao Hai smiled wryly again.

His body was now all better, without any discomfort. The reason why he said he would rest was to put Adam's memories in order, and take a look at whether there was still anything he didn't know. Adding that he currently had the spatial farm, this was an enormous help to his future growth. He had to think of how to take advantage of this spatial farm even better.

Right now he was planting radishes in the spatial farm, and if he sold the radishes back to the farm he would obtain at least five hundred gold. In other words, he could earn three hundred fifty gold.

He could also take these radishes outside via the barn, then let Green bring them to sell in other areas of the Ark continent, then he could perhaps gain a bit more gold.

But most important was that he currently didn't know whether the Ark continent had something like radishes. Adam used to be a wastrel, it was basically impossible for him to go buy vegetables, and the things he ate were normally comparatively good dishes, and probably already cooked once. He basically wouldn't have asked about what was in the food, and so he basically had no idea whether this continent had a vegetable like radishes.

If those radishes couldn't be bought outside, then he would also have to process them. The whole radish was a treasure, and harvesting radishes should be done as complete as possible. The radish leaves wouldn't be neglected either, radish leaves were very tasty, as long as they were simply marinated they could become delicious.

Zhao Hai lived in northern China, that's why he still clearly remembered his mother using such marinated radish leaves in cooking when he was little, and that flavour was very good.

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