Chapter 28 - Horse Bone

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Chapter 28 - Horse Bone

Zhao was very clear that his spatial farm had no attack power, nor any defensive capabilities. The only thing it could do, in addition to planting crops, was allow him to hide inside in fear.

He had no confidence that he could deal with the carrion swamp with his spatial farm. Do not forget that the carrion swamp was one of the five forbidden areas in the Continent, not to mention the potential threat of undead spirit beasts. With no attack force, how could he deal with the carrion swamp?

Not knowing how much time had past, Zhao could only come to the decision that if spirit beasts really did come out of the carrion swamp, they could only rely on the castle to fight them. And if they couldn't, then everyone would have to hide inside his space. Ten acres should be enough to hold all those people.

Just then Zhao suddenly heard a noise coming from outside. He looked out and realized that it was noon, so the slaves should be coming back for lunch. He also saw Meg, Blockhead, and Rockhead coming in from outside. When the three saw Zhao, they immediately went up to meet him.

"Master," they all said.

Zhao nodded and smiled at the three. "I need you to arrange something for me. In the open space, there are some corn stalks and corn cobs. Arrange them into firewood, then tell the slaves that if they feel cold at night, they could take some for heating."

Meg looked puzzled. "Master, what is this corn?"

"Corn is the main crop for our future that I'm growing. The corn stalks and corn cobs could be used to light a fire. It's something I've already discussed with Grandma Meirin after I had planted the corn."

Meg's eyes lit up as she looked at Zhao. "Master, the yield of corn is really high, right?"

"Yes." Zhao nodded with a smile. "Go arrange them first, and then come back to eat when you're done. Grandma Meirin should be finished with making our meals by then."

The trio nodded, then turned and walked out of the castle.

Later on, Meirin came out from the castle. She had also heard some movement outside, but she understood that it was Meg. She then called Zhao in. "Master, lunch is ready."

Zhao nodded and walked into the dining room, while Meirin went back into the kitchen to get his meal. While sitting in the dining room, he realized that he was becoming more and more lazy. In his past life, he had to prepare his own meals and also clean the house. All the housework was done by him alone.

But in the Ark Continent, he was the master. Even if he was willing, he naturally couldn't do housework with his own hands. To be honest, this was becoming a terrible habit as Zhao had started to become accustomed to having others serve him.

Meirin came in, holding a tray, which held a simple meal of bread and vegetables, and some meat. But Zhao was the only one to get any meat. Even Blockhead and Rockhead didn't get any.

Although the food was very simple, it was still carefully prepared by Meirin for Zhao. He got to use the best things. He got to eat the best foods. In this castle, he was the center. This made Zhao feel very grateful, but it also gave him a great amount of pressure.

He was not Adam Buda. He was a responsible man. The more Meirin did good things for him, the more pressure he felt. These people treated him as the center of their lives, that is to say, they relied on his survival. Although the Buda clan had been forced down, as long as he was alive, there was a chance that the Buda clan could rise up and not get bullied by the other nobles.

But Zhao wasn't comfortable with this. If he was the center of these people's lives, then he also has the responsibility to make their lives better. The pressure on him was really great.

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