Chapter 15- Level Up

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Chapter 15- Level up

But what Zhao Hai doesn’t know is that Meirin has been rendered speechless. Meirin is a magician, and an eighth level water mage at that.

On the Ark continent, the magicians are classified into ten tiers, the first to third tiered mages are considered as Apprentice Magicians, fourth and fifth tiered mages are deemed Novice Magicians, the sixth and seventh are addressed as Advanced Magicians, eighth and ninth tiered are regarded as Master Magicians, and the final tier, which exists only in legends, whose presence is on the same level as the gods.

But being a mage is not as easy as it seems, firstly one must have innate magical talent, furthermore they must also have the capacity to be Awakened. Out of ten mages, there will be five that will remain Apprentice Magicians for the entire length of their lives. Out of the five remaining, three will remain Novice Magicians for life. And the remaining two may very well only attain the title of Advanced Magicians before hitting a plateau. Only one out of a hundred mages may advance to be a Master Magician. This is just comparing among the population of mages, whereas among the people on the continent who have innate magical talent, the ratio changes to one in ten thousand, making this comparison much more frightening.

So mages on the continent are few, and advanced mages are even fewer. A person such as Meirin, being an eighth tiered mage, will be welcomed as a guest of honour in any country. However, both Meirin and Green are born into the Buda family, so they acted sincerely with one heart to help the Buda family. And it is precisely because of this, that the king of the Aksu Empire did not act against the Buda family with complete ruthlessness, choosing to just exile them to this place.

To a master mage such as Meirin, they are extremely sensitive to any magical changes in the environment. As long as someone were to use any form of magic within a kilometer of them, they will able to detect it.

Yet, within the Ark continent, there is only one form of magic that can be used to store items in this manner, and that is Spatial magic. If only one in ten thousand can learn magic, only one in a million can learn spatial magic. Currently there aren’t many spatial mages in the continent. Moreover they are not of high ranking, and are unable to open their own secluded space.

Currently on the Ark continent, there are indeed some spatial magic tools used for storage that were made in the past by spatial mages. Using his own energy, the spatial mage opens a secluded space, and by means of exotic materials and more magic, he then binds this space onto an item. Only then a spatial magic tool is created. To be able to do this, one’s spatial magic energy must be at on the level of an advanced mage, and even so they may be able to create only five spatial magic tools in their entire lifetime. Therefore these specific items are indeed extremely rare and naturally, extremely precious.

In addition, Meirin was sure that the inner family did not have such tools. It is safe to say that this ability of Zhao Hai is innate, yet Zhao Hai had downed the Water of Nothingness, making it impossible for him to cultivate any magic or battle qi. Naturally this also cannot be the work of a spatial mage as Meirin did not detect even a shred of magic fluctuation, the magic orb seemed to disappear on its own.

Given this situation, there are only two possibilities, one is that Zhao Hai’s magical energy is even higher than Meirin’s, having the ability to mask all his magic fluctuations from her. But this is not possible, Zhao Hai had drunk the Water of Nothingness and is no longer able to cultivate magic.

Yet another possibility is that what Zhao Hai used is neither spatial magic nor spatial tools. If that is so, Meirin naturally will not be able to detect any magic fluctuation.

Zhao Hai turned around and glanced at Meirin, and once he saw the look on her face, he chuckled and remarked, “Grandma Meirin, don’t be impatient, in a few days I will tell you what all this is about. This may be a power the Heavens has bestowed on me.”

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