Chapter 8 - Planning

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Chapter 8 – Planning

Zhao Hai nodded, continuing: “Grandpa Green, then how do we settle meat right now? Don’t tell me we didn’t buy some magic beasts to rear?”

Green didn’t know why Zhao Hai was asking about this, but believed it was because he was afraid he wouldn’t have meat to eat, and so at once said: “Young master need not worry, we’ve acquired some Blue Eyed Rabbits and Long Haired Pigs to provide meat, there is no need for young master to worry about having meat to eat.”

Zhao Hai didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, it seemed that Adam’s character really wasn’t up to much before. He wanted to find a kind that reproduced quickly and wasn’t picky about food to raise, but Green thought he was worrying about having meat to eat, all this and that.

At this time, Meirin and Meg brought in a few trays. There was some food on the trays, but a lot simpler than Zhao Hai’s meal.

Zhao Hai glanced at his own plate. His plate had white bread, two eggs, a piece of meat, as well as some vegetables. Under the present circumstances it was quite good.

But on the plates of Green and the others was only black bread and some vegetables. What eggs, meat, there was basically none. This made Zhao Hai’s heart ache, but he didn’t say anything, only picking up his knife and fork to eat. When Green and the others saw him eating, they also began to eat.

Green and the others didn’t eat quickly, only Blockhead and Rockhead did. Moreover, looking at it, the food Meirin gave them was much better than the others.

He had to admit that Meirin’s food tasted good. Even though it wasn’t as tasty as Chinese cuisine, producing such flavor with such simple ingredients was already quite astonishing.

Zhao Hai nodded with satisfaction, swiftly eating the meal before him. Even though he was unaccustomed to eating western food with knife and fork, he really was a bit hungry, and so ate quickly.

But when he had finished eating, Green and the others had also finished, all of them standing there watching him. Zhao Hai wasn’t very comfortable with this, but he also knew that such things wouldn’t change overnight.

After everything was eaten, Meirin and Meg put the dishes in order, then served a pot of something. One sniff at the pot told Zhao Hai that this pot held keja. Keja was similar to coffee, and something the great continental nobles were most fond of.

Green hurriedly poured him a cup. Zhao Hai drank one mouthful, the flavor was similar to coffee, and he couldn’t help nodding. Picking up the pot, he poured a cup for Green, then pointed to a chair by the side: “Grandpa Green, you sit. I have something to consult you about, come, have some keja.”

Green hurriedly said: “I couldn’t, I’m better standing.”

Zhao Hai stood and pushed Green into the chair: “Grandpa Green, you’re from my grandfather’s generation, you’ve watched me grow up, you can be said to be my senior. This time the Buda clan has fallen into such misery, and if not for you, I perhaps couldn’t guarantee my survival. Don’t stand on ceremony, sit, I really have something to discuss with you.”

Green sat down, looking at Zhao Hui, tears suddenly flowing as he muttered: “I’ll sit, I’ll sit, yes, young master has grown up, so thoughtful.”

Zhao Hai feigned a sigh: “Experiencing so much, I should also grow up. I’m sorry, grandpa Green, I let you worry before, I won’t hereafter.”

Green shook his head: “No, young master don’t say that, it was I who failed to protect you, letting such things happen to young master, letting the Buda clan fall to such a place.”

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