Chapter 43 - Refresh

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Chapter 43 - Refresh

After everything was finished, Meirin taught the slaves to read for awhile, then they made arrangments to go to sleep.

The temperature in the space was very appropriate. Not too cold, not too hot. Spreading out the blankets, the slaves got a good night's sleep.

At midnight, a tone chimed, waking Zhao up. The radishes have matured, and he had to harvest them.

Zhao originally wanted to plant the common seeds, but he was too sleepy, so he decided to just plant another batch of radishes. Otherwise, if the seeds got the spatial farm to level up, he would have to do a lot more things and thus wouldn't be able to go to sleep.

By the next morning, the corn was almost about to mature. Zhao heard movement outside, so he got up. He went out and saw that the slaves were already awake, cooking for themselves under Meirin's watchful eyes. Seeing Zhao up, Meirin immediately got him a basin of water.

After Zhao washed up, he searched around the farm to see if there were any changes, finding nothing special.

But when he looked over at the place where the slaves were cooking, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. It was too clean. The garbage that they had made yesterday was gone. Today, there was nothing, which didn't seem right. Even if the slaves were to pick up the trash, it was impossible to make it that clean.

Moving to Meg's side, Zhao asked, "Meg, did Grandma Meirin tell those slaves to clean up yet?"

Meg was surprised at Zhao's questions, but she shook her head. "No, ah, Grandma hasn't told them yet to work this morning."

Zhao nodded. In his heart, he made a guess. He turned around and went to the barn. Meg knew that next to the barn was the bathroom, so she thought that Zhao was going to take a dump.

But Meg was wrong. Zhao just wanted to see the bathroom in order to confirm his guess.

When he entered the bathroom, he knew that his guess was correct. It seemed like the space refreshed its environment once a day. All the useless things were scrubbed away and the space was restored to its original appearance.

However, the rooms that he had built hasn't disappeared, probably because any useful things weren't brushed away by the space.

Seeing this, Zhao couldn't help but feel relieved that there was a way to deal with the junk problem in his space. It was a headache for him, and he didn't expect that the space would actually solve it on its own. This was very convenient.

Zhao returned to the hut where Meg was standing, waiting for him. Looking at Zhao, Meg couldn't help but blush. Zhao wanted to ask her why she was blushing, but he didn't know how to ask, because after all he had just come out of the bathroom.

Meirin had been directing the slaves to cook, but now that Zhao was awake, she naturally went into the hut to prepare breakfast for him.

Zhao wanted to see what was happening outside the space, so he also went into the hut, but he sat on his bed and opened up the screen to look. In this case, he was checking the three-dimensional map. The outside situation seemed to be improving. Within the radius of one hundred meters, there were only a few spirit beasts. To Zhao's surprise, there were less than ten green dots within range. Three of them were humanoid skeletons, while the rest were more beast shaped.

Although he didn't understand why there were so few undead spirit beasts, Zhao wasn't concerned about it. As long as there were still spirit beasts outside, then it was unsafe to go out.

Shutting down the screen, Zhao looked at the kitchen and saw Meirin making breakfast. She was preparing to make him pancakes. To be honest, every morning he would get bread with his meal, so he really wasn't used to this.

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