Chapter 29 -Reward

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Chapter 29 - Reward

Zhao happily stood up. "Take me to see that man."

He pulled on Meg's hand and rushed straight towards the slave. Meg froze for a moment, then looked at Zhao's hand holding on to hers. Her eyes flashed with joy, followed by shyness.

But Zhao wasn't paying any attention, so he didn't notice. He also wasn't aware that Meirin was following behind them.

Several people were outside the castle, which was where he found the slave. Seeing the slave standing there, Zhao seemed to have made a mistake. It turned out that the slave was female. Zhao had thought that it would be a male slave, and didn't think that it would be a woman.

The female slave looked like she was ten years old, possibly because of malnutrition. She was thin and very petite, with long brown hair that was a bit frizzy, and her coarse clothes were worn over dark rough skin.

She looked nervous standing there.

But it wasn't just her, all the slaves were trembling. When they saw Zhao come out, they immediately kneeled on the ground, not daring to move.

"Master, her name is Beans," Meg said. "She's twenty years old this year, and she was the one that came to me with the woven weeds."

Zhao nodded. He knew that in this world, slaves didn't have real names. Their names were generally only a word, and that word would become their name. He looked at the girl called Beans and said, "Lift your head."

Beans gingerly raised her head, but did not dare to look at Zhao, only staring at his knees.

"You're called Beans?" Zhao asked.

Beans bowed her head. "Yes, Master."

"Where did you learn how to weave weeds?"

"I wasn't always a slave. Two years ago, I was a commoner. My family would often weave straw, so I slowly learned it."

Zhao nodded. Although this girl called Beans spoke timidly, her words were very structured. It appeared that she was a commoner who had a little education. "Get some weeds and weave some for me."

Beans immediately ran off. When she came back, she was holding a large amount of weeds. It appears that she was well prepared. These weeds seemed to have been drenched in water, which made them much more pliable.

"Please forgive my rudeness, Master," Beans said as she sat on the ground and began weaving with her hands. It seemed like she was making a mat. Her hands were moving very fast, and soon a small woven mat appeared. The surface of the mat was very smooth, and although it was very weak, it looked beautiful.

Zhao looked at Beans who had knelt on the ground. "Well, Beans, the Buda clan is willing to give you a great reward. Starting today, you are no longer a slave. So you don't need to kneel, only to salute. Plus you will get a separate room and will be paid a wage in silver for your work. Not only that, you will also become part of the Buda clan. From now on your name is Beans Buda. No, wait, that's not a name suitable for girls. You will be called Daisy Buda."

Everyone heard what Zhao said, but they never imagined that such a simple crafting skill of weaving weeds would be able to make you a commoner. As well as wages, the most important part was that she would also get Zhao's surname. A lot of commoners in the Continent didn't have a noble name.

Beans, no, now should be called Daisy, was so excited that her whole body was trembling. She really didn't think that she would become a commoner again, and not a slave. All of this was like a dream.

The reason Daisy Buda had the courage to stand up and be the first to show off her skill was because of what happened two years ago. Her family actually had land of their own, although it was only five acres. If they avoided offending any strong people, they would be able to feed their family. Plus her father had some mason skills, so they didn't have to worry about food or clothing.

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