Chapter 9 - Morning and Evening Have Only One Sky

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Chapter 9 - Morning and Evening Have Only One Sky

Taking another turn around the space, there really didn't seem to be anything happening. Zhao Hai left the space and lay quietly on the bed, constantly thinking about everything that had happened since he woke up.

Since learning he had transmigrated, Zhao Hai not only wasn't a bit scared, but on the contrary a bit excited deep down. When he was on Earth, Zhao Hai was a nerd, with a small sum of author's remuneration each month, living under a great deal of pressure.

But here was different. Here he was a noble, and even if he had been pushed aside, he still had his own fief. Even if it was a deadland, he still had some loyal subordinates. He could decide life and death for one hundred slaves with a word. He had a castle, people to wait on him, and most importantly, he had the spatial farm.

Even if he didn't know how this spatial farm came about, as long as he had it, he didn't have to worry about food, and could live good days, free and unfettered.

While thinking of this, he constantly thought about how to develop the farm in the future. But thinking about that right now was useless, he could only wait for the farm to level up one step.

But the farm had clearly undergone changes. Whether this was a good thing or not remained to be seen. Therefore, as long as he had the chance tomorrow, he would definitely take some of the black soil outside into the space, and take a look at whether he could use the spatial soil and water to remodel it. Moreover, he would accumulate funds as quickly as possible and buy some seeds from the space. Best would be if he also out some spatial water. Then, even if the space disappeared later, he still had his own land, the foundation for going on with his life.

While thinking about this, he unconsciously fell asleep again. In his dreams, he established a giant manor, taking up duty as a lord, spending his days quietly. That was beautiful.

Just as he was dreaming beautifully, a sudden voice echoed: "Radishes have matured, please collect them as soon as possible."

Zhao Hai woke with a start, quickly entering the space, discovering that the radishes were already mature. One large white radish after another, crowding up and breaking the surface of the soil.

Zhao Hai couldn't wait, quickly running over to the side of the field, digging up a large white radish in a couple of digs and wiping the soil off with his hands. Disregarding any dirt, he took a big bite.

Sweet and mildly spicy radish juice flowed down his mouth, and Zhao Hai couldn't help sighing. This flavor really was good. When Zhao Hai was on Earth, he especially liked eating white radish. White radish tasted sweet, not like green radish which was always very pungent. And these white radishes grown in the farm tasted an unknown amount better than Earth radishes.

While Zhao Hai was chewing on white radish, he sized up the root in his hand. This radish was at least three catty heavy, counting as not small among white radishes. It was also straight, white and plump, looking very appetizing.

Zhao Hai burst into laughter from happiness, holding the radish and walking over to the thatched hut, where he picked up the collection basket and loudly shouting to the land: "Collect!" The radishes in field shot out as if scooped up by a giant hand, one by one flying out and falling into the basket. But the basket never filled. Zhao Hai bowed his head to look, discovering those radishes disappeared as soon as they entered the basket.

Before long, all the produce was completely collected. Zhao Hai inspected the barn, and sure enough, the radishes were all deposited inside, unexpectedly leaving behind numerous holes in the ground.

Zhao Hai didn't sell these radishes, but rather again bought a bag of seeds. At the same time he ordered the little shovel to start turning the soil, then continued planting this bag of seeds as well. These seeds had just been planted when he heard a 'ding' sound, followed by a voice: "Congratulations on reaching level two, the system rewards you with two bags of white cabbage seeds, capacity for each bag, one field."

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