Will He Stay

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"Shit!" I kept saying to myself as I paced my shared apartment with my boyfriend Keaton. I was a full week and a half late, and since Keaton was out working on some more music at Wes's, I grabbed my keys and went down to CVS. Literally the whole ride there all I could think about was "What if he's mad?", "What if he leaves?", even worse "What if he is both mad and leaves?". I thought nothing, but negatively. I picked up a test and went to check-out. The cashier looked at me weird as she rang in the test. "Are you okay? You don't look so good." "Eh, I could be better." I replied to her with a smile. "That'll be $6.56 please." I took out my wallett and gave her $7.00 then waited for my change before leaving the store. The second I got home I went straight for the bathroom, lucky for me I had to go pee anyways. I took the test from the box and did what I had to do. The box said I had to wait 3 minutes, and damn did those 3 minutes feel like 3 hours. The 3 minutes was up. I was too nervous to even look down, I just stood there looking at myself in the mirrior. Seeing the tears form in my eyes. Finally after about 5 minutes of just standing there I took a deep breath and hesitantly looked down at the stick. It read.... Positive. the tears that had formed in my eyes were now rolling down my cheeks like rain on car windows. I held the stick in my hand as I slid down the bathroom wall. My knees now close to my chest as I cried into them for at least a half hour. I heard the door open and assumed it was Keaton, so I threw the stick back in the box and threw it in the trash. I grabbed a face cloth and put it under cold water then washed off my face, hopefully it will cover my now tear stained face and blood shot eyes. If the red in my eyes doesn't go away then he'll either think I was smoking pot, or crying. He knows I don't smoke pot, so he'll definitely know that I had been crying. I walked out of the bathroom and found Keaton in the kitchen making himself a pizza. "Hey Keats, how was the song writing?" "Hey babe, and it was good we finished that song that we had been working on for a few days now! I think the fans will really like it!" He said with a smile. "Yes! He didn't notice" I thought to myself before saying "Good I'm glad!" "How was your day? Wait your eyes are red, have you been crying Ema?!" "Um. No?!" "Yes, you have don't lie to me." "Okay Keaton, you may wanna sit down for this...." "Okay?" He said confused as he sat down. "Well...." I trailed off. "Well.... What? What's going on Ema?" "Keaton, I'm exactly a week and a half late." "You're not pr-pregnant are you?" He asked. I started feel the tears form in my eyes again. "Oh god, you are pregnant?" "Yes, and I'm so so so so sorry! Please don't be mad and leave me!" "Wait. What?! Ema, I love you too much too leave you and besides you are carrying MY child, sorry OUR child. I could never leave you while you go through this! We're in this together." "Keaton, we're only 21!" "I know that baby, another reason why we're in this together, okay baby?" "Okay." I nodded. I have to admit hearing Keaton say this made me feel a lot better about this.

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