Mind Occupation

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Keaton and I decided to spend the rest of the day watching a bunch of movies together, and try and keep our minds off of our current situation at least for a little while. Tomorrow I plan on making a doctor's appointment to see how far along I am. So far we've watched The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, Ted, The Lego Movie, and American Reunion. I knew I was getting really tired when I found myself fighting to keep my eyes open as I cuddled into Keaton's side. He's always so comfortable to cuddle and sleep with. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 2 in the morning, so I decided to stop fighting and let my eyes close. I was just dosing off when I heard Keaton whisper "Night beautiful, I love you." he smiled before lightly kissing my forehead. Keaton always made me feel better and I'm glad to have him still here especially at a time like this. This morning I woke up at around 9:00 and found myself still in Keaton's arms. He probably didn't want to move me knowing him, I thought. Trying not to wake Keaton, I went to the kitchen. He started opening his eyes. "Go back to sleep Keats, it's just me."  While I was making breakfast I felt a pair of arms around me. I turned around to see Keaton standing there so I gave him a hug. "I thought I told you to go back to bed?!" I joked. "You did, but I'm hungry and it's 9 in the morning anyways. Have you called the doctor's yet?" "No, thanks for reminding me! What would I do without you?!" "Forget." He simply stated with an "I'm innocent." grin. I finished eating my toast with now melted peanut butter on it, and picked up my phone to call the doctor's while Keaton was showering. They gave me an appointment for 4:00 today. I knocked before cracking the door and saying "Hey Keats?" "Yeah babe?" "They gave me a 4 o'clock appointment just to let you know." "Do you want me to go with you?" "Actually that'd be great if you don't mind." "Nope not at all, when I see Wes I'll tell him I have to leave early." "Okay, but if he asks just say that I have a doctor's appointment which I do, but don't say what for. I'm not ready to tell anyone yet." "Okay baby." I shut the door as I heard the water turn off. Keaton then came out of the bathroom with nothing on, but his underwear causing my cheeks to heat up as I bit my lower lip. He just smirked and walked into our shared room to get dressed. He walked out with a pair of jeans on and quickly throwing his shirt over his head before kissing my forehead and running out the door seeing that he was already a little late. 

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