Is There Gonna Be A Tour

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"Ema, I'm home!" I heard Keaton yell from the door. He walked into the kitchen to see me pigging out. "Being pregnant makes me 10x more hungry then I usually would.... it sucks!" "How you feeling?" "Well, besides being hungry and having to pee all the time, pretty good! Did you find out about tour yet?" "Actually.... Yes I did...." "Is there still going to be one?" "Yes." "So, were you able to set the dates back or...." "No, I am so sorry baby! I wish I could be here! Believe me, I really do!" "I know, just try not to go off with some other girl?" I said as I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Ema, I could NEVER do that. Even if we weren't having a baby together I still wouldn't do that to you. Now, don't cry cause you'll make me more upset too!" he said as he wipped the tear off my cheek. I'll probably call Shay later to see if I could stay with her and Luke while Keaton is gone, but for now I gotta go do something to keep my mind off of this. Suddenly I began craving peanut butter, and the sent of seaweed chips gave me nausea. Sometimes being pregnant sucks because I can't go anywhere near some of the foods I once loved. I grabbed the peanut butter out from the cabinet and a piece of bread. I put the bread in the toaster and waited for it to be golden brown before I spread the peanut butter on it. I grabbed the milk from the fridge and poured myself a glass. Wait what?! Before I couldn't even drink milk, not unless it was chocolate milk. I grabbed my toast and my milk and went into the living room to watch some Netflix. Keaton wasn't too far behind me, he layed down first then I did and we spooned with his arm around my side with his hand on my growing stomach and our legs intertwind as we watched some of our shows together and a few movies. We ended up falling asleep at around 9 which was early for us, and I woke up at 11:30  the next morning and Keaton had already left to go to Wes's. Shit! I forgot to call Shay yesterday, knowing her she probably won't be up till 12 and she'll need to wake up a bit, so I'll call her at 12:30. Cool I have an hour before I can call her, I'll go take a shower. The warm water felt nice and relaxing, I feel refreshed. When I walked out of the bathroom I saw it wasn't even noon yet, then I heard my stomach growl. WAFFLES!!!! Waffles sounded really good at the moment, so I grabbed two and put them in the toaster. I took out the butter then spread some on the waffles, perfectly crispy! I poured just a little maple syrup on them then made my way back to the living room with my waffles, a small cup of orange juice, then put on Netflix again. I checked the clock it said 12:30, time to call Shay. "Hello? What's up babez?" "Nothin much really, can I ask you a HUGE favor?" "Yeah of course, anything! Is everything okay?!" "Well yes and no. You know how I told you about how Keaton had tour coming up and they may or may not be able to push the dates back?" "Yeah...." "Well, they weren't able to, and I was hoping I could stay with you while he was gone so I'm not alone?" "Yeah sure, let me double check with Luke. I'm sure he'll be okay with it!" "Okay thanks Nifty!" "He said yeah that's fine, and no problem I woulldn't want you alone anyways! When is he leaving?" "Actually, I'm not sure. Can I go call him and then call you back?" "Sure no problem." I ended the call with Shay then called Keaton. "Hey Keats!" "Hey beautiful, what's up?" "Sorry to interrupt. When does tour start again?" "No it's fine we're breaking anyways and since you're the one calling it would've been okay even if we weren't taking a break. Hold on, let me ask Wes." "Okay." "He said in two weeks." "Okay thanks Keats!" "Yep no problem babe! Love you!" "Love you too!" I called Shay up again and told her when they were going on tour, and that she'd be over to help me with my stuff the day after he leaves for tour. When Keaton leaves I will be between 4 and 5 weeks pregnant. 

Sorry it's not a big update, and like I said before I will try updating every weekend! :) 

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