What Just Happened (Final Chapter)

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*Delivery Day*

I'm in pain, my vagina is being torn open due to having not one, but two babies about to be brought into this world. The door swings open to reveal a panting Keaton. "Keaton?!" "Excuse me sir, but who are you?" "I'm her fiance and father of these 2 babies. I was on tour, and was not going to miss my kids being brought into this world!" "Okay, come on in. You're just in time!" "Keaton.... I am so glad you're hear, now come hold my hand through this!" "Of course baby!" he then walked over next to my head and grabbed my hand. He began rubbing small circles on the top of it while the doctor's began delivering the babies. "Alright, you're ready to push now Ms. Irwin." I looked at Keaton nervously and he flashed me a smile helping me relax. "You'll do great!" he said before kissing my forehead. "1-2-3 push!" I pushed, they had me push a few more times before one of them had come out. "It's a boy!" Keaton and I then both looked at each other and smiled in awe. "Ready to start pushing for the second one?" I nodded, and repeated the same process this time we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. "What would you like to name them?" "For our baby boy, Ryder Wayne Stromberg, and our baby girl Maise Anaica Stromberg." I smiled looking up at Keaton before he planted his lips against mine. "And yeah, so that's the end of my wonderful sexy dream." I told Shayna. "Damn, why can't that dream come true?! You and Keats? Me and Luke? Like damn!" I laughed, "I know, and believe me when shit got sexual it was amazing!" "I bet, Imma go read some imagines now because you Ema, you suck for putting imagery of being with Luke into my head and it's killing me!" "Okay, Imma go and try and find some smut that I haven't read yet." "Goodluck with that...." she joked smiling. "Yeah, but it helps when I write you imagines doesn't it?" "Yeahhhh, good point...." she trailed off in a day dream sort of way. 

Well, there's the finale the end of this fanfic. I hope you guys liked it! Comment below any ideas or requests that you have or want me to do for another fanfic or imagines! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! :)

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