Our Story Begins

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Third Person P.O.V

On the night of February 13 two identical girl twins were born, they were only a few hours apart, but one could already tell they were very different. The first born child was very weak, the doctors even displayed concerns whether she would be able to survive her first night. Despite the odds she was strong and survived. The youngest seemed to be more complex she was thinner and much more strong physically. The twins grew up inseparable, during their first few years of life it was as if they were the same person. The young girls quickly became more diverse as their 5th birthday arose.

The youngest was named Livie. In translation her name meant the color blue. She was growing up with more practical ideas. She wanted to become a doctor, and was the kindest most innocent one of the two. She was the bookworm type who always needed to read. Her older sister was always protecting her and never let her out of sight. This never bothered her, she enjoyed being watched over and admired her sister's bravery. Her heart, one could say was full of gold and her head was always in the clouds.

The older sister was named Linnea. In translation refers to a pink flower of the same name. She was more intuitive than her little sister. She was filled to the brim with emotions. She was the emotional type who'd let her feelings get the best of her and could easily read people. Her head was filled with fantasy. She wanted to be a fairy and fly through the sky. She wanted to write songs and inspire others. Her dream was to be a singer or an engineer.

Though both girls were different in personality, they looked exactly the same. Shoulder length lightish brown hair, heights just about the same, blue eyes, and a small petite physique. Linnea was weak physically, she was born a bit premature which was rare for the first born, yet would always push herself for her sister's sake. Livie was a bit more shy and stronger, she admired Linnea for always standing up for her. She was blissfully ignorant and knew very little of Linnea's condition.

Linnea was very emotional, it's as if she can feel everyone's emotions all at once. She often had panic/anxiety attacks, but kept to herself alone. She never showed her true feelings and always smile. While Livie was a kind hearted child who was the only one that could tell of Linnea's secret battle. She didn't want to provoke her seeing how emotional the topic becomes, but she often worried about her sister. She knew she had night terrors and would wake up crying a silently screaming as well as all the medicine she took.

Besides their differences one more thing stood out, their dream of becoming heroes. A silly dream one might say, but not for them. The twins loved the idea of saving lives and helping out the world. They wanted to be heroes that could save the world. Most importantly they wanted to leave a legacy, they didn't want to be nameless in the world, they were going to make a difference and make their names known. Accepting that the world wouldn't exactly work that way, they would even settle for being unnamed heroes. As long as they could help they were going to, even if it was in secret.

A/N: Hi!                                                                                                                                                                                    This is my first story and hope you liked it.  

I don't own the above image, but it's the best representation of what the twins look like :)

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