The Anime Spirit of the Universe

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S.O.T.U  P.O.V

As the two 15 year old twins fall asleep the other parallel worlds are in parel. Did you know that everytime an illustrator, writer, animator ect... comes together to make a cartoon, they are actually giving birth to a whole other universe. In a parallel world the animation you are watching is actually happening to real life characters. It's unsure of who really controls the story, but they aren't just being manipulated by their 'creator'. They have their own lives, thoughts, and can live out their lives on their own. You may not even realize it, but right now you could be on film in an alternate universe and someone right now is watching an animation on your world right now?

I just blew your mind didn't I. Well normally I wouldn't be allowed to exist right now, after all this isn't information that should just be shared you know. But the rules are different for me you see, I am the Anime Spirit of the Universe, I am entitled to come and say as I please.

If you really want to know something that will truly change your perspective on reality itself then think about this-

Oh wait they're here, I am sorry I will have to get back to you later ~

Third Person P.O.V

As the two arise from laying on the floor, it's just white. An endless white landscape of nothingness, the two frightened girls hold onto each other for dear life, but slowly ease when they hear a reassuring voice, Please young ones, come. As weird and creepy as that may sound, it was meant as a summons for the girls to come forward. They were met with a young looking lady with flowers lining her hair. Her dress was seemingly floating as it was made of flower petals. A thin veil surrounded the dress and was made of clearish green leaves. Her hair was long and overflowed all around them, it had a strawberry blonde look to it. The room was so brightly lit in white it was hard to tell what she looked like exactly.

As the twins stared in awe at the sight she stepped aside, to reveal another pair of twins. They both looked very frail, light skin, small composure, twin blondes, and heterochromia in their eyes. They looked terrified.

The Anime Spirit of the Universe began to explain.

"A power vacuum has been created, an organization only known as Poison, from your world has somehow managed to find their way to another dimension in this result they don't have a way back nor have any plans to leave. In their stay they ruthlessly murdered the two girls you see before you. They are crucial to the balance of power in their universe, and by eliminating them the power has tilt in evil's favor. It's only fair that they get to live out the rest of their lives, but they will do so in your world. Now they won't take your place or anything, they will just live out a regular life". Not quite understanding the brown hair girls look up with a terrified look, at the mention of the word murder the atmosphere had changed.

Attempting to clear up some of the confusion she continued, "Since you two, have been already blessed with such gifts, you shall take their place for a while in their universe, you must help to drive out Poison from their world. You may interfere as much as you like, because once all is said and done, once you leave, their world's timeline will be reset and nothing you did will be permanent." She quickly added, "unless you prove to me otherwise", with a smirk, but fast enough that they couldn't understand.

The girls looked at each other and the blondes said, "we have to go now, but take care of Shinichi, you can't let him know what happened to us, he is investigating our case right now, since you two are taking our places, it's like we've pretty much been revived. Don't let the cocky detective get in your way! Bye!", they both said in unison as they faded away. The older looking one winked at Linnea and whispered, "Don't forget our knight in white". She smiled and the two girls hugged as they disappeared into the imaginary wind of the dreamscape.

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