Off To Another World

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Livie's P.O.V

Sotu (that's what we call The Anime Spirit of the Universe), then threw another ring underneath our feet and we fall into the portal. As soon as our feet reach the ring I feel another transformation. This whole thing is already messed up too many changing things to comprehend. As irrational as our reactions were we screamed as we were falling through. We didn't have much to say other than high pitched screams. Linnea quickly moved her arms through the air and reached me and held onto me. She wasn't that much taller than me, but she held me in her arms and had me on the top. I knew she wanted to lessen the impact on me by sacrificing herself. She can't keep doing this! She can't keep getting hurt because of me. Before I could react or push her away we reach the floor. Both of us brace for a hard impact, but it never came. Looking up at the sky we see the closing portal rings, but we also manage to see Sotu peering over waving her hands. She was responsible for us not colliding with the concrete. As we are gently set down the portal closed and there is no sign she was ever there.

Scanning our surroundings, it's exactly as the story goes. Around us there are police tape everywhere claiming a murder scene, and on the floor spots of blood and an outline of the previous twins. I then take a moment to analyze what happened after we fell through the portals. Our appearance had changed. From brown hair to white hair and our jean outfits turned into simply teenage attire, I had a blue sailor shirt with a seafoam green bow and a really short skirt. On the other hand Linnea had a white button up shirt with purple lining, an orange like cardigan going below her waist and a high purple skirt. Our eyes were blue and our heights barely differed, we also had the same pair of really high black stockings. We both looked at each other.

This is where our crazy and dangerous adventure begins

Linnea's P.O.V

We didn't really know what to do after that. We kinda just lived on the streets. We couldn't ask anyone anything in fear that we would accidentally interfere with the main plot before the first episode like Sotu told us not to. We also needed a way to become small we decided that in our teenage forms Shinichi would be suspicious because DUH! We are exact copies of the twin that were just MURDERED. Sorry if it seems like a sensitive topic, but it happened and no matter how much we wish it didn't there is nothing we can do, sadly. I don't like death, that's why I stay away from hospitals, but if going through this pain is what needs to happen to save lives I have to live with it. Live with taking the place of someone that died, isn't an easy thing to accept though.

At first we tried to get by with what little snacks we brought with us. Nothing to fulfilling, just cookies and crackers and juice boxes. After 3 days our supplies ran out. I had no choice, but to resort to pickpocketing. I didn't like it, but Livie, she really hated it. She wasn't skilled nor did I allow her to, if anyone was going to get the blame it would be me alone.

I felt too guilty. I couldn't do it anymore. I pulled out a man's wallet and looked for cash, I always gave them back, but he didn't have any money. He only had a small 5$ bill ticked in the corner. It was wrapped in a small note from his daughter, for the sake of everyone I won't repeat it, but it got me thinking about a lot. I pretended he dropped it and gave it back to him without taking anything. I won't be doing this anymore I have to find another way to get money for food.

Livie and I started taking small jobs like finding lost animals, it didn't pay very well, but we got by.

It was Christmas now, almost 7 months in this new world. Oh how we wished to go back and be without parents again. For the holidays we were granted a small gift from Sotu. She opened a portal ring and two small bags flew out, this time we didn't even get to see her.

(Sorry for the short update, I wanted to make a late Christmas special, but that won't be for a few days >_<)

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