Reality Check

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Livie's Point of View

It's really strange Lennia told me not to use our telepathy anymore. I think her head started hurting badly and doesn't want to feel like that anymore. She doesn't think I notice, but I know she has to take pills every now and then. As well as her head always hurting. I guess she probably didn't want me to get hurt either. She has always been the bravest one of the both of us. She stands up for me at school and isn't afraid of anything! She is so nice to me and always has my side. It's like she's my guardian angel and my sister as one person!

Things are changing now. She has grown distant and I don't know why. Her grades aren't terrible, but something's wrong, as she takes harder courses and mom and dad are always on her for that, even if her scores are okay.

She seems slightly sadder than she used to be. She hardly talks about her feelings anymore. And when she does she ends up crying, I don't want to see her in so much pain so I try to lighten the mood and joke or something. Nothing I say seems to be working though. She just won't open up anymore. She has always been so strong, but no one is there to carry her when she falls. She also seems distracted like there's always something on her mind.

If she can be this strong then I am not going to be sad anymore, I will just have to be happy for the both of us. But it's also really strange how everything happened after our thirteen birthday when I went to pick some flowers. I don't know what our friend said back then, but she changed a little bit.

Anyways I started reading a new book! It's an entire collection of pure Sherlock Homes adventures. He is such an interesting person! All he has to do is just touch someone's hands and he already knows what they do for a living! He is the greatest detectives I have ever read about. And I've read a lot! One day I want to be able to be a hero with my sister and we can go around solving mysteries. Just like in the books. I love solving riddles and she likes making them. There's nothing we can't do. I've developed an ability of my own, deduction. I know Linnea has it too, but she doesn't know she does. I can easily figure out mysteries and find the "culprit". This is just too exciting!

~Time Skip: 1 Year~

(Enjoy a little nightcore)

We are 15 years old. Our birthday has passed when mom finally broke my dream. It felt terrible. She completely shattered any hope I had of being a hero. Such a dumb dream it sounds now that she says it. "Grow up" she told me. I was shattered, I looked at my sister, her eyes were buried by her hair and she looked down at the ground. I see now why she had become sad. That day after the party our most trusted friend betrayed us and told mom as well as broke her dreams, as she was doing to me. On our birthday no less. Tears rolled down our faces.

As a sign of somewhat remorse, dad and mom gathered us in the family room and explained why. Mom was born with powers too. Dad was the only one who could understand them and look past them. It turns out he didn't care about her abilities they married for love.

I like the idea of love, I guess I'm in love with the idea of being in love. I want to fall in love and being fawned over is something I would like. Love? I want to be loved by a boy and get married. I truly am a hopeless romantic!

Anyways, mom vowed as long as she had dad there would be no reason to use her powers. In addition she said as a child she was bullied and her parents couldn't accept her. She didn't want our powers to get in the way of growing up. She promised to teach us when the time was right how to use and control them, but for now it's easier for the world not to see us.

I don't know why, but those last words were the ones that hurt the most, it's like everything I've lived for was falling apart. It's time for reality to sink in. And let's just say things aren't going too well for either of us. A small time of sadness has come over both of us. Heroes? What's the meaning of that word, why were we so obsessed with saving lives and adventure? As such are the things we contemplated on. Goodbye 14 year old naive self. Hello 15 year old reality.

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