Twins in the Dark

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The verdict, after weeks of waiting?

Well we're just going to have to r̶̤̺̺̯̖̦̜̤̫͇̺̭̭͖̩̊̂̈̽͐͘̕e̴̢̧̮̲̠̜̮̗̩̣̠̍̾͑͐͛̈́̑̏́̏̈͘ͅs̴̡̡͙̺̦͓̻͔̙̜̀͆̊͂̀̈́̕͠ê̶̡̛̫̤̝̫̬̏́͒͐̈͛͑͋̈́͝t̸̝̞̓͊̒

Linnea's POV

My head hurts, what happened?

Hey you! Yea you!

Reader, I'm talking to you!

Don't ignore me!

I asked what happened?!

I can't remember anything past Kaitou rescuing both of us from Hakuba.

Everything's just blank now?

I've still got to do something right?

There's something that I just had planned! What was it?!

I'm currently in Kaito's house right now, contemplating what the heck just happened.

Someone told me to forget? They said that you didn't know what was going on, so guess what! Thanks to you neither can I!

Yea you readers and writers love playing god with us don't you?

Do you have to be so cruel?! I mean why not try writing a happy ending for us huh?!

Oh right, no matter how hard you try you can't, your words have the opportunity to change my life, but even that ability doesn't always work. Ever think that maybe we want to go home!?

Geez, I sound like I hate my life, I don't.

Okay here's the thing, I'm confused okay!

This whole world, where we don't belong.... Is so confusing, I can't do anything without an obstacle. Poison, snake organization, B.O, the police, even my own sister to my identity. Why can't we just go home.

I remember why, I guess I've always known?

I've created my own destiny haven't I?

You can't control all of us author, you're always like, "readers comment to change their stories" right?

Yea that little voice in my head is you, guiding me isn't it? You can't write my destiny anymore, my sister and I are free from whatever you had planned.

So yea! Take that stupid fate telling me what to do!

Livie and I are free from whatever you originally had planned aren't we.

Not really.....

What do you mean 'not really'?!

I mean, you forgot a lot of things already, but it wasn't my fault.

Yea? And whose is it!

You don't remember

No duh

I mean you forgot the person who sent you there didn't you?

Wait.... It wasn't you?

Nope, geez you're always blaming me and never knowing the full story

Oh yea? FINE. Now tell me dear author, you created us, you've brought this world to life, how can you not be the one in control?

I can't control myself can I?

What is that supposed to mean!?

I'd love to tell you everything you've forgotten by Livie wants to talk too.

Hang on! I'm not done-

Livie POV

Why? Ow

My head hurts, I'm sleeping on the floor in New York.

Shinichi is passed out, Garbriel and Michael are arguing in the distance, and I have no idea why or how we got here!

Hey reader? Can I talk to you for a minute?

What just happened, I forgot everything that happened after I was taken to Poison HQ.

I don't even remember where it was?

I know something? Something that no one else does, then why don't I remember?

Hey author? What did you do to us?

Like I was telling Linnea! I didn't do anything! You guys act like I control everything!

Well, don't you?


Geez you don't have to keep yelling

Well I kinda have to since no one seems to be listening to me! Here's the thing, I'm not in complete control of anyone, I kinda created you guys, but no really.

And what's that supposed to mean?

You'll find out later I guess, but you've been writing- no, living your own lives, I've brought this new world to light for you guys, but I don't control you. Do you remember when someone said "it isn't certain who writes the story the writers of the characters?". Well, you guys live your story and I write it.

I remember something like that.... But who said that?

Yea.... I can't tell you, but you've forgotten them for a reason.

That doesn't seem fair does it? -_-

Oh don't give me that! It's not like I call the shots anymore. I've been helping you guys as much as I can, but like I told you guys before, I'm not controlling anyone.

That's a little hard to believe

Tell me about it. None of this is easy to believe. I've brought to life my own parallel universe and two entirely different people. You guys have no control over this, same as me.

I guess when you say it that way...... you sound like Linnea making excuses. -_-

Really!? Come on! I'm not making excuses! I really don't have any control over things like this. I though you guys were just characters that I created, but you guys are real, real inside of another dimension. I'm sorry.....


I said I'm sorry okay! I thought this was just a story, from giving readers something to read about while I barely discovered a new anime series to something I'd never imagined.

What are you trying to say? You sound more cryptic than usual?

I.. I... I've created a story about two girls misfortune, love and adventure, but every little thing is my fault. I kinda sound like her don't I? Anyways this story is way too confusing, I almost thought of abandoning it... But I couldn't. I can't let your lives suddenly cease continuing, as long as I can write and people believe in this story, I will write. I will write, your story, the story you live, not one that I create.


It's about time. You've finally realized what I've been trying to say. It's not you it's me, and for that I too am sorry for my own mistakes.

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