13 Birthday

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As the title implies it was the twin's thirteen birthday. As they looked into the lens of their parent's camera, they blew their candles out. They didn't mind sharing a cake, presents, or birthday with each other, this was just how close their sister bonds really were. Something more even, right before they blew the candles they made a wish. Please let me become a hero. They wished in their minds in unison. They looked up at each other and realized they were wishing the same thing.

Linnea's Point of View

What was that?! My own voice was overlapped? When I wished to become a hero I heard Livie's voice, how could that he possible. She seemed to have heard mine too. At the same time we looked at each other and realized we weren't going crazy! We had heard our voices within the other's head! This is really weird!

We blew out our candles and as soon as our guest had left for the night, we scrambled to our room to discuss what was going on.

"Livie-", I began, but I didn't need to say anything else. We spoke once more through our minds. Livie told me in my mind, "I read about this once, when two twins get to a certain point in their bond they can gain telepathy". Oh that makes sense... WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT MEAN. I gave her a confused look. She seemed to notice and explain. Something about our minds being linked only when we want them to be, and a sister bond and maybe more powers and a bunch of other things I wasn't really paying attention to.

Well now that we have that sorted, now what asked her. She gave it a thought for a moment and responded, "how about we tell our friends ". I agreed, I mean how on earth are we suppose to figure this out without their help, they'll understand right?

Before going up and directly asking them, we spoke a bit on what these new powers could be used for. To Become Heroes. Isn't it obvious, we discussed everything from what other powers we could have to how we could use them to help the world. Our eyes sparkled with excitement, and hope filled our minds.

That morning was a Monday so we went up to our best friend and told her everything.

This was our mistake.

She listened to everything, about our telepathy, and our plans to be heroes. She never gave us a disapproval look and intently engaged in our conversation. Such things like, good for you guys, you will make fine heroes, or live your dreams were her words of encouragements. She then told Livie to go in the yard and find a bouquet of flowers for dad and said for me to stay.

She looked straight into my eyes and said, "You're old enough for this", she began and sighed. "Don't ever use these so-called powers of yours, being a hero is nothing for you two, become an engineer or a doctor something safe". My face immediately dropped, "I don't want you guys getting hurt, forget about what happened and try to live a normal life, you can do plenty of good in the world without hurting yourselves with childish nonsense of becoming heroes". I choked on some tears and tried to make her reconsider, but she quickly interrupted me, "don't make this any harder for me than it is for you, give up on that dream, you more than anyone should know that your body can't handle this. If you get too worked up you will only end up hurting yourself. You have a responsibility to take care of Livie". I look over through the open door and see Livie staring off into the sky chasing a butterfly. "For Livie" I said and left it at that.

Livie returned with the brightest smile on her face, with the bokay of daisies, and roses. I didn't have the heart to crush her dreams. I smiled and we continued on life.

The nights were only getting rougher, my usual night terrors would wake me up and I would cry silently, now days the crying has increased. I keep getting flashbacks to that day when all my dreams died. Here I am a thirteen year old crying about a broken dream of becoming a hero, I was truly being pathetic.

Ever since that day we didn't bother using our telepathy anymore. I don't know why, but she didn't question me why I told her we couldn't do it anymore. I began a spiral of sadness as 8th grade was coming to a close, grades where being pushed and I never had any time for myself. It was hard to deal with emotions and pain that wasn't mine. I guess you could call it another one of my powers I developed. I can feel some people's pain. Emotions would just start to pour in and I was being overwhelmed. They worst place to go was the Hospital. I absolutely despite that place. I can't go in without feeling the loss of someone dying in front of you. I couldn't stand needles either! They hurt and terrify me the most. The doctors act like they want to help, but it's like I can see right through them and they don't care as long as they get the money. I vowed to hide my sickness and never get sick in order to prevent my parents from taking me there.

Sometimes things got too rough at school and I need to confide in someone. The only person who I feel will try to understand me is Livie. I talk to her, but sometimes it feels like she keeps her distance so she doesn't have to see me cry and get all emotional. That just hurts me even more.

With my body being for fraile I feel I can't do anything. Livie goes out with her friends and I am stuck here taking medicine and in my room most of the time. I know I am physically weak, but I won't show that to my sister Livie, she is too precious and I want to protect her in any way that I can. She admire my courage and I know that, so I can't let her see me as weak. As a matter of fact I won't let anyone see me as weak.

Besides that I have quite some free time. In order to pass the days by I have been studying the art of magic. Illusions and unexplainable things are now my specialty. I love this sense of mystery and enchantment. Magic? One day when I learn to secretly control whatever kinds of powers I have I want to show true magic and bewilderment! It's really fun, I showed Livie once and that moment when her eyes lit up and questioned reality was priceless! I even learned sewing and other useful ways to fill the time. 

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