!! 0.o !!

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I didn't know about this!

There are unknown spammers around wattpad claiming to be promoting stories on stories.gigz.me. 

This is NOT a real site (to my knowledge) and should probably not be taken too seriously. I mean even if it was a real website, DO NOT under any circumstance open a link or search a link up from an unknown user, sometimes it may just be memes, other times a virus or hackers!

I was told to report the user to a wattpad ambassador...  

The user starts with various different ways to say hi and 'I've discovered your account and you're a great author', then they may say something to the lines of I'm going to promote and publish your stories and make you a cover, then prompts you to "follow the link in my profile picture". 

I am no expert and it could be nothing, but I just wanted to warn people because with spammers there could be a possibility of theft of content. Once again these messages could be harmless or someone genuinely interested in these stories, but who knows! 

I'm not saying to immediately report them, but I'm not not saying that. (bet you didn't read the second not)

I just wanted to let you know this because I didn't, and I got a message similar to the spammers, and like an idiot I replied back without thinking. 


(I've blocked out the usernames)

(I've blocked out the usernames)

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

(Take note of the background image prompting to visit website)

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

(Take note of the background image prompting to visit website)

Each account sending the message will probably have no one who they are following or reading lists and have probably been activated recently, but may have followers though. (or could be someone just starting out on wattpad I don't know)

Just another reminder, this could all be NOTHING, and there be no reason to worry, but at the same time, it's better to be safe than sorry. 

I really love all my stories, if you see anything similar posted on any other platforms please let me know! I don't post any of my stories anywhere else other than wattpad, and would be devastated to know if someone else was taking credit for my works.

(Images are not mine, each have been submitted to the ambassador for the accounts to be monitored and ultimate if found to be spam, deleted)

Thank you for being considerate!

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