What it means to be a Kaitou Thief (Part 1)

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Rose POV

I've only lived with Laila for a few weeks and already I have learned a lot. Hacking and controlling my powers will really come in handy. Laila says I have to start school, but there is no way I'm going to AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL! I am pretty sure Livie is going there and first graders are scary, there is no way I can face her or any annoying kindergarteners. Teitan Elementary, "NO WAY" I openly protest to Laila. Kudo is in first grade, and technically Livie would be in kinder, but since it's only a 1-5 grade level she would probably fake her age and be in first grade to be with lover boy.

She thinks for a moment and gets an idea, "back when I trained Ella, she could make herself young, she became whatever age she wanted and her clothes shrank with her".

I deadpan for a moment "HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!".

She explains that Ella used her powers to shrink her body, but since I am not Ella then maybe it would work in reverse and temporarily become a teenager. Ella could hold up for days as a child without getting tired, but I didn't tell her about my weak condition, so I assume I might only be able to keep it up for a school day.

She scheduled my school to start in 4 days. I have four days to master becoming a teenager! Ekoda high school better be worth it!

Those 4 days were like constantly getting hit by a bus! I sucked! With Laila's help and hopeful attitude I made it. My clothes got bigger and shrunk when I did. However my limit was just 10 hours. Not even a whole day! I think school is only 8 hours or something so that's good. (lol I don't know how long school days are >.<).

It drained me a lot! Not just the training, but turning into a child or teenager hurt! I mean I am going to have to do this every day and it's the same if not worse pain coursing through me. Sometimes if I am really drained I scream it hurts so much.

~Time skip. Brought to you by Kaito being Kaito

First day of school   o.0

Yep it's time for me to go back to hell, I mean a wonderful place of learning and friendship.

I slip into a uniform after changing into Linnea. It takes a while, and it hurts, but I don't show Laila. Throughout our entire time together, she's always treated me with such kindness, I couldn't stand it if she was worried. This time apparently they aren't that concerned with security because Poison and B.O don't know I exist, since they deleted our files. Michael and Gabriel are staying in a house nearby Kudo's house and watches over Livie.

I head out the door and wave to Laila. I have to be careful when it comes to activity, if I get too tired then I'll change back even when I haven't reached my time limit. Now my mission is to contact Kaitou without being too direct. I also have to make it known that I do know his identity to help him, or else he will blow me off like Hakuba and Akako. As well as find out his next heist day so I can make an official comeback. (you know having The Rose Kaitou Angel disappear for 6 years).

I step into the building and immediately get lost. I mean sure it's a cliche and such, but I've lived in America my whole life I have no idea how Japan works! I only watch anime, and that doesn't exactly help, I just hope I don't offend them.

I wait outside and eventually hear the teacher introducing me. "I know it's the middle of a semester, but we have a new student, please come in". She motions me forward and a sea of prying eyes make their way on me. My anxiety builds up and I feel myself shaking, I hold onto courage and begin like an anime would, "My name is Saito Linnea, I look forward to classes with all of you", I bow and the teacher beacons me towards an empty seat. I look down at my desk not wanting to see their reactions. I sit by the window (ironic I know!), in front of Hakuba. Akako sits behind him to the right and Kaito sits next to me, Aoko sits in front of me. It's like fate just wants me to encounter them all at once.

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