A Detective's Calling

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Livie's POV

Linnea has disappeared, but Shinchi is on my case. He's so close to me, but he doesn't mind he just drags me to the crime scene. Just great!

He has that look in his eyes again, he knows who the criminal is, but where did the evidence go?! He was suppose to find the hook, necklace, and pearls, but where are they. I looked back for a minute and there wasn't anything shining in the distance. Someone must have taken them! Linnea is missing so maybe Poison took them. I don't have much time before the black organization makes the deal, I better wrap this up quickly.

Shinichi doesn't pull away from me! Wait... Does he think I am a suspect, I mean I am at the scene so that kinda does make me suspicious, not the point I have to help him!

Think... what was her reason for murder? Why did she confess without a lawyer in the anime?

She was in love, but if she couldn't have him no one would. Guilt over powers the consciousness and causes grief. She couldn't take that guilt over the crime. How do I create the same scenario without being seen as a creep. Even without evidence here, if she confesses they will lighten her sentence in her trial and her house will be investigated, I'm sure she has piano wire at her house and the real string from her necklace. I've studies a bit of law so this just might work.

Throughout this entire time I didn't even realize I was mumbling to myself. Shinichi apparently heard me and gave me a suspicious look.

He then proceeds to question the others. And ends up dragging me too.

I do manage to stop another detail Shinichi didn't, her bag has a small splatter of blood on the edge. She will probably deny it though, and say that because she was so close to the murder it happened to splash on her.

This is really hard though!

You try accusing someone of murder... MURDER WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE!

What should I do? If I can't find anything then will this case ever be solved? I think frantically as I rack my brain for any possible solutions. As a last resort I replay what just happened in my mind thinking of as many possible details I missed. Ok so me and Linnea were with these kids when the murder happened, as the ride was ending Linnea disappeared and then the kids.... Wait..... THE KIDS!!! I can't believe myself I FORGOT ABOUT THE PEARLS!!! I literally face palmed at that moment and internally screamed at my self. Afterwards I looked to the crowd to spot the little girl with the life saving evidence. (Bad pun sorry not sorry ;))

She was right there with her friends as I presumed looking around worried at what happend. As I started to walk towards her a specific someone caught my arm, again. I looked back with an annoyed face, I HATE it when people stop me when I'm thinking, if he was such a great detective then why couldn't he see I was about to solve this!!! "Hey your not allowed to leave unless the killer is found or I'll just have to suspect you even more" Shinichi said with a high level of confidence. "Sorry to disappoint but ...... I ain't the killer and you know that."

I manage my way out of his grasp and head to Ayumi, as I had suspected she actually picked up some of the pearls in a handkerchief. Apparently her friends have this weird thing with becoming detective and Ayumi thought this was crucial evidence. OF WHICH IT IS!

~Time skip Brought to you by Conan being a brat

(after I successfully gave my deduction and astonished everyone, even Shinichi!)

Some police or whatever, handed me some paperwork and told me to standby for statements. I look on the papers and realize it asks for specific personal information. I can't give out anything! Looking around my surroundings I spot Linnea... and she looks like she was in a fight. This isn't the first time, but why now, where the heck did she go after Shinichi grabbed me. I immediately drop my papers and run to her side. I manage to pull out a few bandages from the paramedics that arrived to investigate the scene. I asked her what happened, but I know she won't give me the truth, "I was wandering around the park and happened to fall". She lied again! She wants to shield me, but come on! She literally has a bullet graze and she thinks I am going to think she fell. She tries to change the subject, "How about your case, how'd it go?". I perked up and explained my deduction. I mean I was being pretty cool and smart if you ask me!

Soon the crowd around the scene disbanded and everyone was back on their way to finishing the night. I discarded the papers in the trash and didn't tell Linnea.

The moment we had been waiting for finally arrived! Shinichi spotted the men in black and trailed them, little did he know we were following him as well. AND LITTLE DID WE KNOW SOMEONE ELSE WAS TRAILING US!

Yea you heard me!

We were only supposed to follow Shinichi and make sure everything goes according to the anime, then Linnea was going to pickpocket a few of the pills and we would be able to turn ourselves into kids.

Well that didn't exactly happen. The person behind us was Poison and they were not going to have us interfering with their plans again. Once Shinichi was down, a member of Poison pushed us out of our hiding spot and we were exposed to the men in black. We tried fighting, but Linnea was in bad condition, she was knocked out first. I didn't really stand much of a chance either, but I tried putting up a fight, that failed and I was knocked out. Before the pill could take effect with my last strands of consciousness I dragged Linnea and I into the bushes, so when Shinichi woke up he wouldn't see us.

Then the most excruciating pain coursed through my body. It was like my body was trying to kill me and the world went black.

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