Holiday Special

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Linnea's P.O.V

I didn't understand, everything happened so fast. It's snowing and the world's dressed in white. Livie and I huddled in the corner of an alley, freezing, then the next we are having a warm Christmas (or whatever you happen to celebrate) with the Kudo family and others.

Before I start off our Christmas (or whatever you celebrate), Sotu gave us a present. I don't know why we didn't get to see her, but the portal rings opened up and two bags flew out.

Within those bags were small orbs. Looking at them they weren't that much different than glorified marbles. However they did glow. Sotu's voice played in our head for a minute.

Young Heroes,

I know it hasn't been long since your departure from you home dimension, but I wanted to send my deepest regards in your ever so growing journey. These orbs are gifts from the universe itself. For young Livie the orb of invisibility, as for Linnea the orb of defense. Though your own abilities are surpass what these simple gifts can do, I believe they will be beneficial to your quest.

Your Truly,


~I enjoy the nickname :)

With that we looked intently at the orbs they were about the size of a marble and they each were connected like a pendant to a chain. We wore them around our necks. Not much to keep out the cold, but beautiful. The orb of invisibility was electric blue and swirled in wisps. As for me mine started with a darkish blue on the top then mixed into a pink.

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

As the twins froze in the cold the Kudo family gathered to celebrate the holidays. Yusaku Kudo escaped the editors and was allowed a simple brake from all the deadlines. Mr.Kudo had been trying to get a brake for awhile, writer's block wasn't something he had often, however this was the exception. Yukiko Kudo, the once renowned actress gave an advanced notice of her leave from acting to spend time with her Shin-chan. Both wanted to surprise Shinichi. Even though Kudo would probably have prefered for them to stay in America, they loved their son and never missed a chance to show it.

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