Secret Danger

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Yea don't think I disappeared for no reason! Yes it's me who else would it be, Linnea!

Linnea POV

Once we had ushered the three kids, I saw Ran disappear with the next passerby. One minute there and the next gone. I looked to Livie, but she was having a great time staring into Shinichi's eyes. I couldn't help, but feel eyes prying onto me. This heavy atmosphere, I know it's Poison. We helped fail their attempt in making Shinichi stay an adult, but I guess they are really determined. I feel their presence more intense that what Livie feels though. It feels like their stare is choking me, it's hard to breath, I feel terrible. However I know Ran is missing and Livie needs to keep Kudo at bay while I check around, so it's time for a little investigation of my own.

I scan the surrounding area, and I see a simple man dressed in black carrying an unconscious young woman cloaked in a black cloak as well. I see her shoes, and it's Ran! Oh boy this is about to get very tricky!

I know it's Poison, but how do I get her away from that guy! I mean it's not like I can just walk up to them without being suspicious and ask for her back... Or can I? This plan is going to suck, but it's to save Ran, it has to work.

Finding a random scarf nearby was lucky, finding sunglasses and a coat discarded my size, somethings up, but I can't focus on that now when Ran is endanger!

I put on my bravest poker face, and stroll happily to the cloaked man. Acting like a dumb 16 year old was hard, but hey I manage.

"Excuse me mister, do you happen to know where the restroom is I kinda lost my map of the park", as I spoke I neared closer to the man, to the point where we were inches apart.

"Outta the way kid, the restrooms are that way and don't bother me, can't you see my wife is tired"

So that's how he wants to play it!? The nerve of these guys! Well at least with my makeshift disguise and the fact Poison doesn't know who we are, he does not see me as a threat.

He starts walking away, but I do not follow. I already got what I wanted. Pickpocketing comes in handy in this situation. I open the man's wallet to find a fake I.D, a whole stack of fake F.B.I badges and a bundle of money. I look behind the hidden pocket to find just what I was looking for. A small crumpled paper with Ran's information on it, and on the back specific instructions for the kidnapping... Including a meeting location! I can't tell if these guys are really this amateur, or I am just this good. Well no use waiting around I gotta damsel in distress to save!

Hopping into a cab I told him where to go and played with the guy's money, (hey, if he can afford to kidnap he can afford my car ride!).

Well it's time, I head away from the driver and stare into an abandoned building. How ironic that they would be in here. I don't have any weapons, just my underdeveloped powers. I hope I can easily slip in and slip out unseen. Oh! And how am I suppose carry Ran if she's unconscious!? Man... Fail to plan or plan to fail, and I think I did both, just great. Well no matter, I just have to do what I have to do.

You know what somethings really is going on here! I search around and notice a small bag just laying around the alleyway near the building. Of course I am curious and pick it up and....and... ARE YOUR KIDDING ME! It doesn't just have a listening device ready for use, but a STUN GUN/SLEEPING DART SHOOTER, NINJA STARS ECT... I mean literally WHAT THE HECK!! I don't have the time to think about this, but I know someone is watching me. It's not Poison or B.O or Snake, because it doesn't have that terrifying aura, but still!

Well I spill the content of the bag out and load myself with my new weapons. Slipping a few ninja stars onto another pouch I fasten the straps onto my leg, and put the darts in my shoe, and the stun gun/ dart shooter loaded in my hands ready to shoot. I end up discarding the coat and scarf, but I kept the sunglasses.

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