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Linnea's POV

It was a Wednesday I think, when Ran and Shinichi went to Tropical Land. We had to find a way into the park, which wasn't something I really thought of. Well....... You can't blame me though! We don't really have any money though, so....

Livie, being the genius she is came up with a dumb, but insightive plan. Since we are 16 year olds trying to get into a theme part it's kinda hard seeing we aren't exactly child size (yet). So we knew it was wrong, but we did it anyways. Livie was to act like an important person who lost her ticket, while I was her maid or something.

Yea, you would think "that will never work, no one can be that dumb as to believe you guys", and normally you would be right, but Livie was perfect at the guilt trip technique, so we were fine.

"Excuse me young miss, please present your tickets before entering the park", the ticket attendant said.

Show time we both thought.


"I am sorry Miss, it seems I have misplaced our tickets"

"AND THAT'S MY PROBLEM! I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU DO YOU ARE GONNA BE FIRED!" Livie ended with screaming and making a scene.

The attendant looked at us making a scene, she tried to 'calm' the aggravated master being mean to the servant, but she played her part well. She looked straight into the woman's eyes and pleaded, "oh, please allow us in, as you can see my insolen maid lost our tickets and we really have to get in". At first she didn't respond, but then Livie gave her the loli look.

No one.... I mean NO ONE, can resist Livie's stare.

She gave in and we passed the ticket checkpoint. That was close! As we headed inside we immediately spotted Shinichi, unfortunately he did too. As soon as we made eye contact he started towards us.


We ran the opposite direction looking back every few seconds to see him pick up the pace. He's onto us! This is bad! We weaved through the crowd, and tried to look the least suspicious, but Shinichi was right behind us. As I looked back Livie pulled me from behind and we stayed behind and abandoned booth.

Shinichi started looking around for us and I heard Ran run to catch up, "why'd you suddenly run off like that!", Shinichi realizing he just left her alone said, "nothing just trying to catch up with some familiar 'friends', I guess they left though", scratching his neck he continued to the Mystery Coaster.

We finally had a chance to breathe, he looked back once to see nothing again. So he totally knows somethings up! Well I guess after today we won't really be crossing his mind since he will be occupied with being Conan and B.O.

Shinichi POV

Ran started saying something about something, but I wasn't really paying attention. In the corner of my eye I saw two girls making a scene at the ticket stand. It was obvious they were trying to get in for free. At first I paid no mind to their nonsense, when they actually entered in without showing tickets.

First that's a crime and second I looked at the slightly shorter one and our eyes met. I recognize those blue eyes anywhere! It belonged to those weird twins I keep bumping into! They appear after my first unsolved case in a while, then dad invites them for Christmas, I saved them from a speeding truck, and now here! This can't be a coincidence, they are strange, they just have a certain aura that I just can't seem to understand.

What is with them?! It's like they are just avoiding something.

As soon as our gaze on each other break, out of sheer instinct I pursue them. I just have to know what is going on!

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