Thieves Under Crescent Light

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"You know Kaito...e-ever since I met ... you, my life's been nothing... but a constant battle f-for my l-life"

"What makes you think this is my fault?!?"

"The fact that we're here ... because these.... guys think you k-killed their boss"

"Why do the bad guys always insist on framing me for murder?!?"

"Maybe b-because... you're so e-easy to draw out... to clear your n-name up"

"You know you shouldn't be talking, save your strength. I'll figure a way to get out of these binds"

"K-kaito... I'm about to turn back. I-if they s-see me, we'll b-both be dead"

"They won't be back for at least another 7 hours, according to the big guy they've got to get their hands on those notices we sent out"

"T-they can't!!"


"L-livie, my sister... she'll b-be after t-them!"

"You're getting worked up! Calm down before you injure yourself more than you already are!"

"I can't... Livie s-shes in d-danger! I... can't sit by a-and l-let her... get hurt."

"LINNEA SAITOU! If you don't calm yourself down you're going to pass out!"

"A-alright. B-but we... have t-to get out... of here"

"You know your sister is stronger than you think"

"Yea, but she'll always be my... little sister"

"Get some sleep Linnea, I'll figure this out"

"You k-know you... don't h-have to keep it a-all in... right? You... can share, y-your burden"

"As should you, but you don't let anyone help you either"

"G-good... point, ha... guess I-I go... to sleep. Y-you better get some... sleep t-too"

"No, promises"

Kaito POV

Stupid Kaitou! I've let someone close to me get hurt... again. First Aoko, then Akako, and now Linnea! If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't be injured, Aoko wouldn't hate her father, and Akako wouldn't have lost her powers!

Is being Kaitou KID really worth it anymore?

I've hurt too many people, I let them get hurt!

I'm Kaitou KID! No one gets hurt... ever

Until I met Linnea, the girl who brings more danger and adventure than I could ever dream. I can't get close to her, but she's already saved me too many times. If it wasn't for this organization after me, Linnea wouldn't be so hurt. Why is she always the one to save me.

Kaitou KID is just a name, anyone can wear a cape and call themselves a phantom thief. Yet Linnea, this isn't just a name or a persona anyone can fit, I'm the same person with or without the monocle. Why?! Why does she have so much faith in a phantom thief!

I've never had a partner, and I really didn't plan on ever having one, JiI has always been there, but her, Linnea, she brings more to the show than a cape.

I can't take it! Pandora or not, she doesn't deserve to suffer like this. I can't keep on being Kaito and Kaitou KID. I have to stay Kaito.

I need to protect Linnea, she reverts back to Rose... a painful process she'd never let anyone see, under normal circumstances that it.

Currently the two of us are locked in a cell, who knows where we are right now. I just know that to get us here, there was too much pain. She's asleep right now and so will I, for a few minutes. I have to get her out of here before the organization gets ahold of her.

Linnea POV


I hear the soft snores of Kaito as I keep my eyes close to think. He's asleep, I'm pretty sure he believes I fell asleep, but after turning back into Rose, I just can't rest.

"Never again... I can't.... No more Kaitou KID" he mumbled in his sleep.


This world needs a Kaitou KID, he can't quit! I don't understand, why is he questioning himself!

Where's the jokester the looks death in the eyes and laughs. The thief who trolls the cops with his signature smile?!

He's asleep and just said the one thing I never thought he'd ever say.

No more Kaitou KID is destroying his world, he is Kaitou KID. No one could ever be as charming, quick witted, fearless, and true to his name than him.

He can't lose heart, if he does everything Livie and I came here for is ruined. I'm meant to protect Kaitou KID not destroy the Magic Kaitou series.

I have to do something. If only I wasn't so weak! My stupid body just won't work. It's my fault Aoko can never forgive her father for shooting or the fact that Akako lost her powers because of me. It's because of me Kaito doesn't want to be KID?

Is it really my fault?

This world needs a detective and a thief, maybe there was never meant to be someone who keep screwing up. I just seem to make things worse!

It's this fragile body! I collapse at every moment, I get grazed by a knife and all of a sudden my life is in danger, a bullet misses my shoulder and I'm already bleeding!

Why can't I protect anyone?!

Livie is going to get the notices Kaito and I wrote, she'll figure out that we've been kidnapped and I can't let her get hurt too.

Guess I have to make Kaito realize that KID is more than a persona, save Livie, you know what I just have to save the universe myself then!

Short chapter ya'll but I haven't updated in a while and I didn't want to leave you hanging. The next chapter will be longer though!

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