Fixing the Timeline

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Linnea POV

Well here we are back on the streets. After Christmas I realized the events of the first episode were coming soon. We needed to discuss what we were going to do. Livie brought up the topic that we needed to become kids. At first I didn't really see it necessary, but if we are going to protect Kudo he would be too suspicious if the same twins that were murdered appear for Christmas, and suddenly live with him for unknown reasons. When we figure out how to get out hands on the APTX 4869, the less suspicious we would be.

Now we are a year older so I think this would be the perfect time to be a kid. Sure we would look similar to our 16 year old self, but children are so innocent and no one (well accept Kudo or Kaito), could ever suspect us.

We also had to think about who we were protecting, we have the Black Organization that's going to go after Conan/Shinichi and the unnamed, but mostly referred as Snake Organization going after Kaito/Kaitou.

Ohhhhhhhhhh yea and don't forget Poison who is after EVERYONE! Once they find out the twins they eliminated are... well, not dead then they will have their eyes set on us, but if we are children maybe they won't?

I wonder why they decided to come here though, out of all the different animes why Case Closed, I mean what about Fairy Tail, Naruto, One Piece, or even My Hero Academia? I mean they have way stronger powers than this more realistic kind of universe. It just doesn't make sense.

"Oi! Linnea are you even listening to me?!"

I immediately was snapped out of my own thoughts. I was off rambling to myself again. Livie wanted both of us to stay with Conan and help KID only on heists. When in reality she wanted to bring him to justice for his crimes.

I knew she didn't like him, she never liked the thief with nothing better to do. But she is wrong! He is fighting for something much greater, and if she bothered to watch Magic Kaito then she would know! That thief needs protection too. As does everyone in this universe, not just the detectives.

Anyways now we just have to wait and I have no idea how long it will be. I mean you know we just have to wait until we can aggravate the BLACK ORGANIZATION, and get involved with the SNAKE ORGANIZATION and POISON, as well as the small fact that they are all gonna want to KILL US! And we have to keep our identities a secret. Nothing much NO PRESSURE!

Look at us we are planning on turning ourselves into kids and risking our lives for a world that's no even ours.

I know the universe gave us this secret mission, but I can't help, but think that we shouldn't be here. I don't belong here in this universe literally and figuratively. I don't really want to risk my life this way, if I die here then it's like I never existed and I remain nameless in my own world. Who knows what will happen to us if we ever do make it out alive.

I agree with being turned into kids, but I don't really want to change the plot. I like how the anime goes on our earth. We don't know how our actions affect the way the people of our world watch the show. So now what?!

Livie POV

This is it! The moment we have been waiting 1 year for, the first episode. Already things have changed from the original timeline. Ran ended up winning the karate tournament, but they didn't choose Tropical Land to celebrate her victory. They remained undecided and began walking around.

I found out why the change had occurred. It wasn't really shown in the anime, but the reason Ran decided Tropical Land for her victory, was because on one of her hangouts with Sonoko, she had suggested it for a romantic date with Shinichi. Ran was suppose to get all flustered and reject the idea, while considering the location. The timeline was changed because Poison had tapped into Ran's phone and delayed the message to Sonoko for the meet up where she would suggest it. So already B.O wouldn't get involved with Shinichi, we had to change that. No matter how much Poison interferes, we have to make sure the first episode goes as planned in order for Shinichi to become Conan and discover B.O.

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