Needed Elsewhere

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About to be a really long chapter

Rose/Linnea POV

I am sorry Livie, I look through a crack in the door and see her sleeping soundly. You are better suited for the work of a detective than I. I head for the door of Dr. Agasa's house. I can't stay here any longer, I'll only get in Livie's way. Oh wait she goes by Bluebell now doesn't she? I don't have the heart to tell her goodbye.

She needs to do this on her own this time I know that now. She helped to figure out the case with Shinichi without me. After coming here and getting all bandaged up I realize that she doesn't need this kind of help from me anymore.

Well I guess you all have questions seeing how literally nothing was explained so let's go back to where this all started... well not that far, you know just after Blue- I mean Livie finished off finding the culprit with Shinichi and I had saved Ran from Poison. I came back looked all worn out and we eventually were caught and turned into kids. I am still bleeding and feel like I ran a marathon. She decided to take up an alias as Bluebell same as Shinichi has for Conan. I haven't really thought of anything so I guess we could match, first names at least, wouldn't want anyone knowing we are related, how about Rose Linh. I don't know just deal with it.

We walked away from the scene of Tropical Land and back into our 'home' the alleyways. I am just great, if you can call bleeding out of one arm, okay... then yea I'm just fine.


Third Person POV

It had only been a few days since being reverted back into a 7 year old child, and already Shini- Conan dreaded everyday. No leads from the mysterious organization showed up and going back to first grade wasn't very amusing.

The only thing that wasn't dreadful was that Conan could secretly work on more cases than as a high school detective. Just knock 'Detective' Moore out and use his bowtie to showcase his deductions.

This particular morning a call had come in. Detective Mouri and Ran were out with Ran's mom at a fancy dinner. Ran was trying to get her parents back together, so to avoid any distractions she took their phones and cut off all communications. I know, I know, you are all saying "but that didn't happen in the anime!"... well you'd be right if it weren't for the fact that after Poison tried screwing up the first episode, heck everything is screwed up. This means that all the events taking place are unscripted (in anime terms), it's all on improv so main events will still happen as the timeline progresses, but not in the way or order as the anime.

Anyways a call had come in while Conan was left at the agency alone. Using his bowtie he answered in place of the detective, "yes this is detective Mouri agency", he spoke trying to convince himself this wasn't a crime.

"We have reports of an armed suspect in your area and two unnamed civilians have been confirmed killed by him hand, be careful and stay vigilant ".

Hearing this wasn't a coincidence, after barely seeing a third person flee from the murder scene at tropical land Conan could only suspect that person to look for him. Unsure of how he should approach the suspect he headed over to his good friend Dr. Agasa house. Armed with his gadgets and skateboard he headed towards the man's location, with Agasa trailing behind in his old yellow car.

Back to the twins

Rose POV

I can barely stand up straight I am walking while leaning on buildings and Livie by my side. (while we are together in private I call her Livie, but in public she is Bluebell and she does the same for me). I have finally decided that it's time to seek out Conan. I mean a warm bed and steady food supply could really come in handy. Especially more medicine and a first aid kit. I just ran out of my medicine and realize that we are 6 years old. I mean I know we wanted to become kids, but this is kinda ridiculous seeing how when I was 6 years old my condition was at its worst! Just great! And now that everything is sooooo screwed up thanks poison we really appreciate it! we don't know what's going to happen, we are flying in blind. We also haven't had any contact with Kaito so there is another thing left on our list of things to do here. Yay soo excited for my list to grow....

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