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Linnea POV

Welcome back dear readers!

Let's get something straight shall we?

Lazy author-chan hasn't been updating, we all know this -_-

However, I wanted to tell you this story is far from over. Just because the author-chan stopped writing, doesn't mean we stop. You see this hiatus doesn't affect us at all. We went through a lot of hardships without anyone knowing. Right now Kaitou and I escaped and Livie saved the day. You have no idea what happend, why Aoko hates her father, why Akako doesn't have powers anymore, or the fact that Kaitou and I were imprisoned. Yea, we went through all that already.

I'm here to bring light on that subject because author-chan hasn't been consistent. I'm taking over this storytelling for a little while because we can't depend on the authors to always tell the right story.

Pretty confusing I know!

Just listen up, there's more to fanfiction than characters and authors. I don't want to waste too much time because I've got a lot to cover, but I just want everyone reading this to realize the paradox and confusing life we live. If you think you're confused think about how we feel!

We were just ideas created by author-chan and written on a google doc. Those words were then published, but guess what!? Words don't stay words forever. I'm real now, my sister, Kaitou, Shinichi, everyone really does exist. We just have the liberty of saving this world. It doesn't matter what author-chan writes anymore because we're living our own lives. You can't control us anymore and now I think it's time you realized that you're pretty privileged to hear about our lives. You get the whole picture, you probably understand more than I do, and well, good for you.

I've spent too much time. Let's get on with catching you up with what actually happened.

As you can probably guess, Kaitou and I were trapped in an underground cellar of some mafia boss' lair. What you don't know is what actually happened leading up to that point.



"Kaito, you know my secret identity now... "

"Didn't think I'd be able to see past it?"

Yea, that shocked me. Kaito didn't care about me being able to turn into Rose, or the fact that I was poisoned. I mean he's a Kaitou thief he's probably seen more screwed up people anyways.

"You're probably going to need help with your identity in school right?"

"Yea... Akako knows that something isn't right"

"You know she's an actual witch right? She probably already knows everything anyways"

"I know that much, but what about Hakuba? The moment he figures out I'm the Rose Kaitou Angel, he'll connect the dots and arrest us both"


We were at Kaito's house just trying to figure it all out. I told him about my powers and my sister, but I could never tell anyone I'm from another dimension. I figures Jii already knows, but I can't risk anyone from Poison coming after any of the main characters.

We had school the next day, and that's when things got hectic...

-time skip-

I walked the halls as Linnea alongside Kaito to class. Normal antics ensued, so there wasn't any reason to worry, until Hakuba came up to Kaito and I. He asked us our opinions about Kaitou and The Rose Kaitou Angel. It was a pretty awkward conversation. He was wearing a tie and kept adjusting it from time to time. Nothing too suspicious, but as he kept walking I noticed there was a glint underneath his tie. According to everything I know about this universe, small cameras are a thing, and Hakuba would be the person to use them. Akako passed by us in the halls and bumped into Hakuba. She continued on after apologizing and I realized the camera in Hakuba's shirt was gone!

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