Taehyung x Tzuyu : May I Have This Dance? (Part 1)

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Chou Tzuyu was a shy girl at her school.

Her childhood was rough. She never had many friends. People often shunned her and didn't let her be apart of their social groups. She was a typical nerd. She wore glasses and had braces when she was younger.

Her parents were rich, but they didn't care much for her. They often just let her be and gave her money to do whatever with it.

While the money was nice, she grew up, never experiencing what love was. She never felt it from any other person, even a family figure, a sibling, and never a friend. She spent most days crying herself to sleep in her room.

"Why doesn't anyone accept me? Why does everyone hate me? I feel so left out... I want be important to someone too..." she thought to herself every night.

She finished middle school. Still with no friends. It was then that she came home after the last day of school to the door locked. She tried her keys, but for some reason they didn't fit in the lock. She knocked on the door and her maid opened it.

"Oh it's you. Your parents don't want to see you anymore. You'll be moving to Seoul tonight. I've already picked your things. Wait here, I'll go grab them and we can go immediately" the maid said.

Tzuyu's world collapsed at those words. She broke down and began sobbing in front of her home. The maid simply walked by her and packed the little things she had into the van that would be picking them up. She then proceeded to drag Tzuyu's frail body into the car and drive off.

That was the last she saw if her parents. That was the last she saw Taiwan. She left without saying goodbye. The problem was, there was nobody to say goodbye to...


A month after moving, she transferred to Seoul Performing Arts High School as a foreign exchange student from Taiwan.

She already knew Korean prior to coming there as she was very attentive. Problem was that she was very shy and dealt with social anxiety problems. This made it hard for her to make friends, even if she wanted to. Even if anyone wanted to be her friend...

The first day of school was daring to her as it was a large step outside of her comfort zone. She walked into her classroom on the first day extremely nervous, sweating bullets.

She shakily bowed in front of everyone, causing a few snickers throughout the room. Anxiety began to deep into her system as she was at a loss for words.

"I.... I...." she stammered.

The teacher shook her head.

"Her name is Chou Tzuyu. Come on we don't have all day! Just find a seat in the back" the teacher angrily responded.

She bowed once more before quickly shuffling to the back of the room. Rudely as she walked through the aisle of desks, some male students began trying to smack her ass.

As they did some people in class began to laugh at her. This caused tears to well up in her eyes. First day of school and she's already been made a laughing stock. The teacher didn't even seem to care. Tzuyu's world was falling apart. She was ready to run out and burst into tears. Right before she was ready to fall apart, the door opened.


The class heads turned to the door. The laughter stopped immediately as everyone faced forward. Tzuyu didn't dare turn around. She didn't care who was there. She didn't even hear the footsteps walking towards her.

"Hey, are you okay?"

She slowly, hesitantly, but slowly turned around to see who spoke.

It was a male. He wore the same uniform as everyone else, yet he somehow looked cleaner and more presentable. He had gray hair that fell over his forehead. His expression was blank, yet looked concerned at the same time.

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