Taehyung x Tzuyu : Rekindling Our Flame (Part 2)

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We all rushed to the hospital and arrived in about half an hour. Tzuyu was the first one to run inside, a crazed but panicked look clearly present in her face.

She made her way to the receptionist and almost slammed her hands against the counter.

"Kim. Taehyung. Where is he?" she asked, taking short but quick breaths.

On the car ride to the hospital, Tzuyu was told that Tae had gotten into a car accident. To her slight relief, she found out that it wasn't his fault. He wasn't driving under the influence since he didn't consume any alcohol that day.

Another driver was tailing Taehyung so close, that he was eventually rear ended, harder than expected, causing his car to spin out of control of crash into a tree. Before crashing, the rolled a few times, almost flinging his body out of the car despite the seatbelt he had worn.

He lost a lot of flood from the multiple rolls is what Tzuyu had been told. It also didn't help that his hand was already bleeding prior to the drive and accident.

The lady at the reception counter got up and ushered Tzuyu and the others into the emergency wing of the hospital. There, they saw some other friends, either pacing around the room or sitting down, looking traumatized as hell.

Mark, Jaebum, Sana and Mina were seated in the chairs. Their faces held a blank expression. Meanwhile, Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Yugyeom were pacing around the floor. Mark got up when he saw Tzuyu.

"Where is he!" Tzuyu practically yelled.

Mark put his hand to his neck and rubbed it, unable to meet her eyes.

"Doctor says it's not looking too good for him," Mark explained.

Tzuyu walked past Mark and turned to see the door to the emergency room. A doctor came out of there and saw Tzuyu.

"Are you Chou Tzuyu?" the doctor asked.

She frantically nodded.

The doctor picked up a clipboard he was holding onto and began flipping through some of the pages.

"Hmm... says here you're one of Taehyung's emergency contacts. In that case, you can come in to see him,"

While Tzuyu stepped forward, the doctor stopped her, holding his hand out in front of her.

"Be advised. He's currently in a comatose state and in critical condition. You're not gonna like what you see..." the doctor explained.

She gulped and nodded. She walked in and placed her hands over her mouth to prevent a scream from escaping.

There he was.

He was laid down onto one of the hospital beds. But the sight was difficult to take in.

He had an endless amount of wires attached on his body, from his wrists to his chest. He had an oxygen mask on as she could see him taking very very small breaths. He was shirtless as the blanket lifted up to the bottom of his chest. He was covered in bruises and cuts. His face was filled with a mix of stitches, purple and black bruises, as well as dried blood. His hand, which she knew was bleeding prior to the accident, was bandaged up. His right leg was in a cast and slightly elevated from the bed. His skin was pale from the amount of blood he had lost.

Tzuyu slowly approached his bed. She suddenly dropped to her knees upon reaching the base of his bed. Quiet sobs escaped her mouth. It was difficult to take in the condition he was in.

It was only in movies that she'd ever seen someone so beaten and bandaged up. But that was all through makeup and special effects.

She had never thought she'd actually see a real life person in such a state.

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