Namjoon x Jeongyeon : Unlikely (Part 2)

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About 4 months have passed since Jeongyeon and Namjoon officially became friends.

She often saw it as both a blessing and a curse.

A blessing because wouldn't everyone want to be friends with the most popular person in school? It also doesn't help her situation much that she still has the biggest crush in the world on him. However, she found it unlikely that he would ever reciprocate the feelings back to her. He'd put his reputation too much at stake she thinks no matter how many times he says he doesn't care if he's seen hanging out with her. He genuinely enjoys her presence and never saw a problem with being friends with her.

On the other hand...

It was a curse because her bullying increased tenfold.

Many people at the school didn't actually believe that she was actually friends with Namjoon. The Kim Namjoon.

They all saw it as a joke or as him simply being the kind-hearted soul that he is who pitied her in her condition.

Sadly for her...

She slowly started to believe them.

Which became problematic for her.

As the school year was coming to an end, it also meant that the senior prom was approaching. Being the only person she interacts with...

She wanted to see if she had a shot of asking him to prom. But the more and more she thought about it, the more scared and anxious she became.

2 Days Until Prom...

Jeongyeon was currently by herself, shopping for her dress that she'd be wearing at prom. Throughout the majority of the school year, she never imagined in her wildest dreams that she'd actually be going to an event that has zero correlation with any of her academic work in school.

But the thought of dancing with Namjoon made her excited slightly. Even if she wouldn't dance with him. At least she knows in her heart that she wouldn't be alone that night.

She was walking and window shopping at the same time when she felt her hood be forcefully pulled over her head to cover her eyes.

"Guess who?"

She quietly struggled to get the person's hands off of her head but they were too strong.

"Guess who, then I'll let you go," the voice said back.

She sighed in defeat. There was only one person who could sound so playful and happy.

"Alright Hoseok. Now let me go,"

The hood was released as she turned around to see Jung Hoseok behind her. He had a huge smile on his face as he hugged her. He was very touchy with people, as she had quickly learned when Namjoon first introduced him to her.

While hugging, she saw Yoongi slowly walking behind him as he waved over at her.

Yoongi was the polar opposite of Hoseok.

Never smiles.

Always looks dead inside.

Always prefers to be in bed all day.

Yet these two, along with Namjoon are all best friends. Yoongi is a sole representation of the statement, "don't judge a book by it's cover" because around them, he can be one of the biggest goofballs on the planet.

"What're you doing here all by yourself Jeong?" asked Hoseok.

"Oh, you know. Just prom shopping," she shyly said.

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