Jimin x Sana : Blurred Lines (Part 2)

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Sana held onto her chest as she get her heart beat rapidly with her back against the door as she stepped inside the comfort of her dorm, being greeted by the warm air she recognized as home. Silence followed the atmosphere around her as all she heard was her heartbeat thumping at an unnervingly fast pace. Was the heat of the situation too much for her to handle? What was it about this boy named Jimin that was so...


Mina and Momo came running in from the room they were in to see her, still frozen in her spot at the door.

"Oh my goodness are you okay?!" Momo yelled.

The other two dorm mates rushed to her as they tried to grab each side.

"We heard a gunshot. Are you hurt?!" Mina asked while frantically glancing over Sana's body to see if there were any wounds present.

Sana was still lost in her thoughts as the two tried to wave their hands in front of her face.

"Earth to Sana? Are you there? Snap out of it girl!" Mina yelled.

Sana finally shook her head as she grasped where she was. She blinked a couple of times before letting out a sigh and a fake smile.

"I-I'm okay. Here," she said while handing them the plastic bags she was still carrying before rushing back to her room.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Momo called out for her.

Sana shut the door to her separate room before locking it behind her.


"What's wrong Sana?" she heard them call from the other side of the door.

"I-I'm just tired! Don't worry about me. Just go study for your exams..." she called from her side of the door.

The two scratched their heads before looking at each other and shrugging their shoulders, leaving my Sana to her confined choice of solitude.

After finally hearing their footsteps get farther and farther away from their room, she placed her hand on her heart once more to feel the steady but rapid pace of her heartbeat. She reminisced of the situation she was just in. Probably seconds away from death before the mysterious boy named Jimin came to her rescue.

But how was she to know she could trust him? Who the hell was he to just randomly carry a gun on the street? And she still shook at his last words before he departed from her side.

"See you tomorrow..."

She had no idea what he meant by that. All she felt she could do was await for that tomorrow to come and see what the day had in store for her.


The door opened to a different apartment as the purple haired boy with glasses entered, still whistling his tune as he spun the rings of his keys around his index finger. He flipped on the light switch to his cozy little apartment that he shared with others as he took off his coat and hung it by the door. He took his gun from the pocket of the coat and placed it in a drawer by the door, revealing a set of 6 out of 7 guns with an empty slot just for him. He walked into the living area of his apartment to find the other members of his dastardly companions laid about. A mint haired boy by the name of Yoongi was lazily slumped onto the couch under the comforts of a blanket. Two bright and peppy boys by the names of Jungkook and Taehyung sat in front of a television screen playing Overwatch, eyes glued to the screen with no possible thing able to divert their focus away from their game. On another chair in the corner of the room, Namjoon sat with a book in his hand as he was reading it with laser precision focus, not letting the noise in the room interrupt his reading. In the kitchen, there were two laughing about as one named Hoseok washed dishes and the other one with broad shoulder named Seokjin cooked a meal for the boys. The dysfunctional house of the most notorious street gang in Seoul was like this every night. With Jimin's father being a policeman himself, they carried out dirty work throughout the entire district and were practically untouchable.

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