Namjoon x Jeongyeon : Unlikely (Part 1)

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She was pushed against the lockers as the group of girls passed her by. Their laughter was evident throughout the hall like a pack of hyenas.

She sighed and bent down to pick up her glasses. One of the lenses now had a crack in it. She knew that there wasn't much that she could do about it.

It was the third time this week that they've bullied her. And it was only Wednesday.


"Oh shoot, I'm gonna be late!" she yelled.

She quickly ran to her locker and grabbed her necessities for class. She quickly ran through the hallways as fast as her long legs would take her. She was approaching her classroom which she could see at the end of the hall.

Suddenly, the bell rang a final time as she was nearing the doorway. She rushed into class, only to be halted by the teacher.

"Yoo Jeongyeon. Late again?" the teacher stammered, a sense of strictness evident in his tone.

Because of those girls, Jeongyeon had been late everyday of this week.

"Sorry professor..." she said while bowing.

As she bowed, the books she carried in her arms dropped to the floor, causing the students in the room to roar with laughter.

"Miss Yoo. That's three tardies. You know what that means, right?"

She gulped at his words as she picked up her books. Despite being the best student in her class, there was no escape from her cold teacher's punishment.

"Detention after school today," he said as the words rang in her head.

She bowed again and scampered off to her desk, putting her head down in the process.

"Great... first time in detention... what am I gonna tell mom? Ughhh, she's gonna think I'm such a bad kid!" she thought to herself as she mentally slapped herself.

The class began as the teacher lectured on for about half an hour before leaving the students to do their own work. Jeongyeon sat at her desk, doing her work quietly as she dreaded what was in store for her at detention.



The bell rang for the final time that day, signaling that it was dismissal time. Students rushed out of their classrooms, excited to go about their day. However, for one short haired girl, the day was far from over. After leaving her last class, she made her way out of her last class and towards the room where she'd be spending the next hour. Mentally, she tried to prepare herself for what was to come next. She was so immersed in her thoughts that she didn't even realize that she had bumped into a girl in front of her, causing both of them to stumble over.

"Hey! Watch where you're going bitch!"

Jeongyeon looked up, but the person's face in front of her was blurred. Jeongyeon sprawled her arms out as she searched for the glasses that were knocked from her face.

"Looking for this?"

Jeongyeon looked up as she saw her glasses being held in front of her by the other girl. It was then that she recognized it was the same girl that shoved her that morning. She remembered her name to be Joy.

Joy stood up and dropped the glasses onto the floor. Before Jeongyeon could even reach out to grab it, she was met with Joy's shoe in her face. Jeongyeon stumbled back from the impact of the kick as Joy scoffed at her.

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