Seokjin x Mina : Epiphany (Part 2)

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2 weeks had passed since the incident at the café.

Mina laid in the bed with her eyes shut. Tissues surrounded the bed with her clothes and plastic bags sprawled everywhere in a mess throughout her bedroom floor.

She hadn't left her apartment since that night. Her eyes were red and weary. Her face stained with old tears. She clutched a photograph of her and Jin close to her chest. He was the only thug occupying her mind since that night. The look of pain that struck his face when he saw her with BamBam.

Even after she pushed him away and tried to explain, he simply left the store without looking back. It broke her. She tried so hard to contact him. But every time she was about to click the send button for texts or dial his phone number...

She couldn't bring herself to do it. She was scared. Scared to see how he was doing.

Scared to find out if he was mad at her.

Scared to find out if he hated her.

Scared to hear if there was even the slightest hint of pain in his voice.

Scared to check up on him...

And this fear of hers... was definitely bringing more harm to their relationship.

Her phone rang countless number of times since then. But when she checked, it was the same people over again.









But his name never popped up... and that left her absolutely broken.

Ever since that day, she felt as if she had been dragged back into her shy demeanor. The girl who never approached others because she was too scared to do so. That's how empty life felt like without Jin.


She picked up her phone from her nightstand to see who it was and groaned when it was just another one of her friends. Momo this time. She placed the phone back onto the nightstand and pulled the blanket back over her head. She shut her eyes as more tears began to leak down her face.

"I'm so so so sorry Jin..." she thought to herself, embarrassed that she hurt her lover and protector.

The last thing she remembered before falling asleep was the smile they shared in the picture she held onto her chest. Maybe in her dreams, things would be back to normal...


Momo sighed as she put down her phone. Another missed call. She looked over to her boyfriend, Hoseok as she shook her head in disappointment. He looked down as he ruffled his hands through his hair from the couch she was sitting at.

"No luck I suppose?"

Both of them looked at the doorway of the kitchen as Jin walked out. He was dressed as usual. Ever since that day, he had been visiting their friends to see if any of them could come to contact with Mina. But even if he tried to hide his own pain from them, they could all tel he was hurting.

His eyes were red. There was bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. His nose was constantly stuffed. Whenever he talked about Mina, his lip would quiver as his hands started to tremble. The once confident force of nature that is Kim Seokjin was now a shell of his former self.

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