Important Announcement

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This is a very important announcement regarding the future of this account. This message will be copied onto all of my current on-going stories.

It's the author here and I've been gone lately, right when it seems as if I had just gotten back. Sucks right? And that's on my part. And I apologize to anyone who's been waiting patiently for updates.

For anyone wondering about my personal life, I recently graduated from high school and will be moving abroad to study away from my home. I'm very excited and can't wait to go! However, that comes with a setback, which may be viewed as bad news to some of you readers.

Because of that, I will no longer have time to update these stories on a regular basis. As of late, I haven't updated recently because I have been preparing for the move. Once again, I'm sorry.

So this is it for me. It's the last you'll see of me...

For now at least.

But I didn't want to leave my faithful and wonderful readers with nothing, especially those that have been patiently waiting for these stories to roll out.

But before anything, what I'd like to say is a big thank you to my readers.

Thanks for everything. This journey through Stigma, my first ever story on this platform will always hold a very special place in my heart. From something I wanted to simply do in my pastime to express my love for both KPOP, especially BTS and TWICE, to a story that has gained over 30k total reads. It still feels surreal to me to see a comment of someone enjoying my work and inspires me to write everyday. I sincerely thank you all for the wonderful ride together and I apologize for not being the best me I could be to you guys.

Now since, I will no longer be running this account, I understand some may be inclined to stop following the stories and maybe even hate it.

If you do I completely understand. I thank you for appreciating my past work and I'm sorry again. But please don't leave any hurtful comments in the future.


This account isn't going anywhere and neither are the stories. In fact, I'll be handing this platform over to my brother. He is very supportive of me and also one of my biggest inspirations. But just like me, he won't be letting out any of his personal information here either.

Don't worry. I can trust him with continuing my work.

He helped me write Stigma and taught me nearly everything I know about creative writing as he introduced me to KPOP and writing stories. He's come up with many ideas and writing techniques. In fact, even though I'm gone, it might not even feel like it as our writing styles are very similar. He taught me everything I know and I know he'll do great. He'll be starting up writing within the next few days. So please, welcome him with open arms and treat him with respect!

He's the best. I'm sure you'll like him :)

But once again, this is where I say goodbye. I know it's so sudden for you readers. But I couldn't find the time to write this until now.

Thanks for the journey. I'll still be checking in on this account every now and again to see how it's going. But the writing will no longer be by me.

I can thank you guys enough for the joy writing these stories has brought me.

Once again.

Thanks for everything.

This is the author signing out.

See you all again someday hopefully!

Again, welcome my brother warmly!

I purple you all... 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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