Hoseok x Momo : Trainees (Part 2)

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Momo has been a trainee for a few months now. Life was tough... but she intended to see it through.

She was currently resting in the practice room of the JYP facility. She was seated against the wall with Sana and Mina on either side of her, both drained as well.

She often times felt disappointed in herself. Despite passing the auditions, many of the JYP trainers themselves told Momo she had a lot of work to do, often criticizing her for being lucky to have passed.

It was times like this that she wished Hoseok was still around to comfort her...


It was back in high school. Momo and Hoseok were gonna be performing a duet for the talent show. They had a week to practice.

Momo was by herself practicing in the dance room at the time. She had been at it for almost 2 hours now. She was attempting to perfect one certain move she had difficulty with. Hoseok told her he'd help her once he arrived, but she didn't want to pull them behind. She thought she'd learn on her own before he got here to save time.

"Damn it!"

Momo yelled at herself as she did the move incorrectly again. She knelt down on the floor and slammed her fist on the ground.

"I can't always let myself bring him behind just so he can help me.. I have to learn on my own.." she thought.

She felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Hoseok looking down at her, offering her a water bottle with one hand and using the other to help her up.

He laughed as he picked her up.

"Momo... why are you practicing without me? I said I'd help you" he asked.

She sighed.

"I can't always let myself be behind on practice. I need to do things on my own too.. that way we can work on improving when we're together" she said.

"But you promised me we'd practice together." he said.

He was now pouting while holding onto her arms.

"Momo... I don't care if we're behind because you need help with something. The more time I get to practice with you the better." he said.

She smiled and began to blush.

"R... r... really?" she asked.

He dramatically placed his hand on his mouth and gasped.

"Unless of course... you enjoy practicing without me..." he stammered.

Immediately she wove her hands in front of him.

"Ahhh no it's not like that!" she said nervously.

He laughed at her sudden outburst. He pulled her in for a hug.

"Then promise me that any hardships you face that we can share them together. You don't have to face your difficulties alone. I'll always be here to help" he answered.

Flashback End

She smiled as she remembered his words and the feeling of being wrapped in his hugs. She never had time to contact him after the day she passed her audition. She hoped he was still doing well, pursuing his dream too. She just wished she could see him again. She held onto the locket he gave her that day and smiled.

"I miss you Hoseok..." she thought to herself.

"What're you thinking about?"

She turned to see Mina staring at her.

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