✮ Chapter 3

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[Kujo Residence]

Holly hums quietly to herself while focused on her task of folding some freshly cleaned clothes. Neatly folding a shirt, she places it in the basket before turning her gaze on a picture of Jotaro across the room.

A soft smile curls upon her lips as she utters, "Right now, I felt it. He's thinking about me while at school."

Instead of silence greeting her statement she hears, "That's in your head."

Surprised, Holly turns to see her son standing in the doorway with an injured and unconscious teenager thrown over his shoulder with you standing right next to him.

"[Y/n], Jotaro, don't you two have class? What about that boy? Oh my, he's bleeding! What happened?" Holly frets as she looks over you and Jotaro.

"[Y/n], what happened?" Holly gently grabs your hastily bandaged arm.

"Just a tiny scuffle, but everything's alright." You respond easily.

In lieu of giving Holly his answer, Jotaro states,  "I'm looking for the old man."

Holly frowns slightly but says, "He's in the tea room with his friend."

Nodding, Jotaro turns and walks off with you following close behind. Holly lets out a small sigh as she watches them walk away.

"Jotaro, you never tell me anything and that makes me worry so much about you. Even so, I know that despite appearances," her gaze shifts over to you, a faint smile on her face, "You're a nice kid."

Holly's pulled away from her thoughts when she hears Jotaro say, "You don't look that well today. Are you alright?"

A beaming grin takes the place of her smile as she raises her hand to show a peace sign.

"Yeah! I'm fine, thank you!"

Pleased with her answer, Jotaro turns back to continue his trek to the tea room. 

The teen glances at you briefly while softly whispering, "Shut up."

"I didn't say anything!" You snicker, your grin rather telling.

The atmosphere in the tea room is tense as Joseph inspects Kakyoin's unconscious form while saying, "It's too late, there's nothing I could do."

"He's not dead," you frown, "So what's the problem?"

Joseph leans forward and brushes Kakyoin's hair aside while uttering, "The reason he's sworn loyalty to Dio and tried to kill you is because of this."

Located at the center of Kakyoin's forehead and hairline is a strange maroon and fleshy bud.

Peering close, your face scrunches up in slight disgust as Jotaro asks, "What even is that?"

Avdol crosses his arms as he says,  "What you see there is a 'Flesh Bud' made of Dio's cells. By burrowing in his forehead, it can reach directly to his brain and allow his mind to easily be manipulated."

You squint at the flesh bud while mumbling, "I assume regular methods of trying to remove it won't work."

"That's right," Joseph sighs, "The brain is a fragile organ, and should the flesh bud move during any form of extraction will cause damage to his brain."

You worried at your lower lip, feeling powerless at the fact Kakyoin is bound to die. Jotaro merely narrows his eyes at Kakyoin's unconscious form, the impending death of the teen leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.

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