✮ Chapter 7

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What's left of the crewman along with Anne and the Crusaders were set adrift in lifeboats thanks to the false captain. With limited resources, the group snack on some energy bars while eyeing the vast sea before them.

Taking a few sips of water from the canteen you hand it off to Anne, allowing the girl to quench her thirst.

With a soft "Thanks," she accepts it with a smile while being mindful to not hog it all.

As she drinks from the canteen, her gaze shifts toward the large expanse of sea. There was nothing but water for miles and the occasional squawk of birds in the sky.

Then, a strange fog appears out of nowhere as she takes notice of a large approaching shadow.

Choking on a bit of water she coughs out "Look!"

Everyone turns their attention to where she's pointing, the sudden fog parting as a large yet slow-moving ship makes its appearance. The ship slows to a stop as a stairway is lowered.

As the crewmen ease up the steps, you glance at Jotaro. He gives you a small nod, causing you to grin warily as you lead Anne up the steps.

As Kakyoin, Polnareff, and Avdol follow after them, Joseph eyes his silent grandson.

"Jotaro, what are you thinking," he inquires, "Are you trying to figure out the possibility of a stand user on this ship?"

"No," he replies, "I'm trying to figure out why there aren't any people here when the stairway was lowered."

The second you stepped on board, you felt even more unsettled. There was an eerie silence enveloping the ship, signs of the ship's crewman absent.

Overall, the ship seemed abandoned.

Nobody greets them at the deck, and a thorough search of the captain's room proved useless.

As the others searched the control room, you and Anne took a look around as well. Peeping through some of the upper deck rooms, Anne manages to spot a door that hasn't been opened yet.

"Hey, [Y/n]?" Anne tugs at your sleeve. 

"What is it?" You ask.

"We haven't checked out that room yet." The room she was pointing towards was the one at the end of the hall.

"Guess it won't hurt to check." With a sigh, you led the smaller girl to it.

Pushing the door open, Anne races inside before pausing at the sight of a large cage.

"Why the hell is there an orangutan on the ship?" You asked with a puzzled expression.

"Maybe the captain of the ship owns him?" Anne inquires as she moves toward the cage, curiously inspecting it.

"Maybe," you frown as you eye the animal closely.

The orangutan watches them both before raising an arm through the bars and tapping at the lock keeping him inside.

"I think he wants to be let out," Anne frowns.

You crouch down next to her while saying "Yeah, but we have no idea where the key is."

Silently, you have a feeling it would be best if the orangutan stayed in the cage.

Then, the ape offers them a piece of apple that he broke apart. Though Anne took the offered fruit you politely decline before freezing when the orangutan pulls out a cigarette and lights it.

"Goodness, he's really smart," Anne mutters in shock.

"Yeah, an unexpectedly perverted," you ground out the second the orangutan pulls out a nude magazine and begins to read.

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