✮ Chapter 11

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Star Platinum sends Rubber Soul flying, but before the man could disappear beneath the cold depths the stand grabs him and tosses him to the ground.

Fighting unconsciousness, Rubber Soul grins mockingly at Jotaro as he utters, "Y-you may have stopped me, b-but I didn't come alone..."

"Polnareff already defeated your companion," Jotaro scowls.

"The t-two of us weren't the only ones s-sent here," Rubber Soul wheezes out a laugh before yelling, "AND BY NOW, YOU SHOULD BE TOO LATE!"

The silent panic that had settled within Jotaro's chest at Rubber Soul's words caused him to react irrationally as he darts away from the man's now silent from, determined to reach the hotel quickly. Jotaro had already sent Anne back to the hotel at the beginning of his fight with Rubber Soul, yet the man's final words mockingly echoed in his head as he forces his body to move faster. 


"[Y/n]'s made it this far," Jotaro scowls, "There's nothing I should be worried about."


The teen feels something cold pass through him as he stumbles to a stop in front of the hotel, eyes widening when he hears you call out of him. The panic that had slowly wormed its way to his chest had instantly turned into dread, as he shakes off his shock and continues onward.

Jotaro ignores the pained thudding of his heart as he rushes inside the hotel, the surprised shouts of the patrons around the lobby going ignored, too, as he rushes up the stairway two steps at a time.

When he finally arrives on the floor of the room you and Anne share, he notices the door is open. Rushing to the doorway, Jotaro freezes on the spot at the sight of your prone form on the floor.

"Mr. Joestar, [Y/n]'s hurt! I tried waking her up but she won't respond!" Anne's talking frantically on the phone, but the rest of her words become gibberish to him as he stares blankly at your quiet form. 

For a second, your prone body transforms to his mother, the sight of Holly's unconscious body worsening his pain.

"Not again," the teen doesn't realize the words fall from his lips as he rushes to your side. 

He presses a hand against your cheek before flinching at the chill he feels. Hurriedly, he grabs your hand to check your pulse. 

T-thump... T-thump...

Your heart is still beating, yet rather sluggishly.

Jotaro doesn't relax as he lightly pats at your cheek, determined to wake you from whatever had put you in such a state.

"[Y/n], wake up," he urges as he holds you close, "You need to wake up."

The turmoil he was experiencing was hidden by his tense expression, yet as he feels your body growing colder he panics.

"Damn it, [Y/n]," he yells, "Wake up!"

Anne flinches from his yell but she slowly places her hand on his shoulder.

"Mr. Joestar said he's on his way," she mumbled softly.

Jotaro marginally relaxes at this as he lifts you up to place you on the bed. He checks your pulse again, the sluggish thumping of your heart still the same.

The loud thudding of footsteps down the hall alerts Jotaro of someone approaching and when he sees his grandfather, the old man's expression is grim. Avdol is right behind him as he rushes to your side to check over you.

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