✮ Prologue

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- (typically of a young person or that person's behavior) showing or characterized by a tendency to commit crime, particularly minor crime.

Walking with your arms raised behind your head, you suppress a yawn as you utter, "Why did he wanna meet so damn early?"

"Compromise," Jotaro grunts out.

"An ambush, you mean," you snort.

Jotaro doesn't give a response to your truthful statement which you're not bothered by in the slightest.

"Ah well, doesn't really matter," you grin, "We're gonna kick their ass anyway."

The only response you got to that was a small quirk of Jotaro's lips, causing your grin to grow even wider.

As the two of you head toward the meeting place Jiro, a delinquent from a neighboring school, anxiously waits for Jotaro's appearance. Recently, there had been turf wars in which many groups went down by your or Jotaro's hands. Of course, the two of them didn't really care about such things but many of the delinquents felt threatened and decided to take them down.

Which easily resulted in their loss.

Jiro highly expected Jotaro to come alone, so when he saw you walking up with him he grew tense.

"I thought we agreed man-to-man," Jiro scowls with his arms crossed.

"It's just little ol me," you pout, "I'm not that much of a threat."

Jotaro snorts at that but easily plays it off as he regards Jiro with a scowl while uttering, "Just get to the point."

Jiro suppresses an angry retort as he responds with "You've been taking over a lot of turfs lately, I suppose we can come up with an agreement to leave mine alone."

"That's if you get your little groupies to stop targeting us every damn second," you huff.

Jiro's brow twitches slightly at your remark but he continues onward with, "If we can agree to leave each other alone, then neither my people nor you two will have problems anymore. What do you say?"

Jotaro is silent as he turns his head to look at you, a silent conversation passing quickly before he was turning to regard Jiro.


Jiro is stunned as he gasps out "What do you mean no?"

"It's quite obvious," you cross your arms, "If you truly wanted such an agreement then you wouldn't have brought company."

Before Jiro could deny anything you merely pointed to your left where one of Jiro's lackeys wasn't so discreetly hiding behind a tree.

The delinquent pinches the bridge of his nose in mild annoyance before uttering, "Fine, we'll just have to beat you both down."

"Gimme a break," Jotaro sighs while you utter, "I'd like to see you try."

Then, as if a bell had been rung, the fight started.

Both you and Jotaro stood back to back as the group surrounded you on all sides, some holding bats while others had their fists raised. With swift punches and kicks, you and Jotaro were managing to knock them back slowly.

Having managed to acquire a bat of your own, you launched into a group of them without the wooden weapon.

When there came someone trying to sneak up behind you, Jotaro would arrive and kick them to the ground. If someone tries to jump on Jotaro's back, you jump on their back and knock them to the ground.

The two of them worked together in sync.

Jiro was slowly growing frustrated as he watched his people drop like flies. His fight against Jotaro was proving futile as the teen kept knocking him down with harsh punches to the face.

As quick as the fight had started, it's easily coming to a halt as Jiro's group was either knocked unconscious or in too much pain to even want to try and get back into the fray.

Tossing the cracked bat to the ground, you let out a large sigh while rubbing your aching wrists. Jotaro stood not that far from you, regarding the fallen delinquents with a scowl.

"That was a little bit tougher than I expected," you said as Jotaro turns his gaze upon you.

The rest of your words go unheard as his eyes widened as he stares at something behind you. Jotaro feels a sudden jolt of panic course through him at the sight of Jiro standing behind you with a bat raised.

"Watch out," he yells as he rushes forward.

The second Jotaro rushes to grab you, he could already tell he'd be unable to reach you in time to pull you to safety yet somehow, in the blink of an eye, he found you pressed against his chest.

Based on your expression before you were pulled close to him you saw the same thing he did, a strange spectral arm reaching out to yank you toward him.

With you pulled to safety, Jotaro didn't hesitate to reach out to punch Jiro straight in the jaw.

Only, it wasn't just him doing the punching.

The spectral arm appeared again, making direct contact with the delinquent's face and sending him flying across the ground and into the dark throes of unconsciousness.

After that, Jotaro stood there panting slightly with one arm still wrapped securely around your waist. With your face pressed against his chest, you stood there slightly stunned while trying to calm your racing heart.

As the two slowly regained their bearings, they couldn't help but think, "What was that?"

As the two slowly regained their bearings, they couldn't help but think, "What was that?"

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