✮ Chapter 9

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Upon arriving in Singapore, the Crusaders along with Anne decide to rest up at a hotel.

The group was placed in different rooms on different floors except for you, Anne, and Polnareff. Though you and Anne were on the same floor with Polnareff, your rooms were spaced apart from each other. 

Anne was eager to be in an actual bed once again while you simply yearned for a decent meal so with a simple "Catch you later, Polnareff," you give the Frenchman a small wave before grabbing Anne and scurrying off to your room. 

Polnareff laughs at the sight of your eagerness as he opens the door to his own room and heads inside. The atmosphere seemingly changes the second he's inside so he checks the bathroom, underneath the bed, and even the closet before heading to stand near the window.

Glancing around the room, his eyes narrow as he orders, "I know you're there, so show yourself."

The silence in the room is interrupted when the small fridge door creeps open and a man crawls out to stand in front of him. The Frenchman takes in his appearance, his body tense. His opponent's face and body were covered by countless scars, some bigger and more jagged than others.

No doubt, Polnareff needed to be careful of this man or he could easily lose his life if he acted irrationally.

The two men side-eye each other, their bodies tense and ready for an attack.

"Before I kill you, tell me your name," Polnareff demands.

The man regards Polnareff calmly as he introduces himself with "I am Devo the Cursed and my Stand represents the Devil card. It stands for confusion and unluckiness."

Then, Devo asks, "How'd you know I was in the fridge?"

"Are you stupid? You took everything out of the fridge and left them in plain sight!" Polnareff scoffs at the question.

Devo's brow twitches slightly at the obvious insult but he refrains from saying anything else. Instead, he decides to take a step forward, automatically initiating their battle.

In an instant, both men call upon their stands.

"Ebony Devil!"

"Silver Chariot!"

The two stands appear upon command, but the one who holds an advantage in this fight is Silver Chariot. The sword-wielding stand swings his rapier at Devo before repeatedly stabbing him in the face.

Blood is drawn easily from the injuries he's quickly sustained, pain jolting through his body.

"It's so painful!" Devo exclaims with a wide grin on his face.

"What the hell?!" Polnareff frowns at Devo's response to his injuries.

"Oh, the pain," Devo cackles, "It hurts so much!"

Laughing madly, Devo rushes from the room with Polnareff hot on his heels. 

Reaching the stairway's railing, Devo turns to face Polnareff with a grin.

Still holding his injured face the man proclaims, "You dared to do this to me, now I can really hate you thoroughly! Ebony Devil works on the level of hatred toward my opponent."

"Now, the pain you have caused me will be revenged!" This was his final exclamation before he throws himself over the railing.

Before Polnareff could even attempt to search for him a sudden pain in his ankle snaps him out of his shock. A chunk of flesh from his left ankle was cut off, blood pooling quickly in a matter of seconds.

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