✮ Chapter 10

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Thankfully, a situation involving a terrifying beast stronger than a dragon didn't occur after its defeat. Though such a fight as fierce as that didn't happen, it was the little things that reduced you and Kakyoin into tired and badly bruised states.

Trying to outrun a stampede followed by avoiding man-eating plants was life-threatening yet the worst came during nightfall when much of their vision had been obscured as unknown predators hunted them down.

After a while of trying to survive, they finally gained a small moment of peace.

Settled under a tree for some shade you stare down at your quivering right hand, your lip was flushed red from your constant biting as you tried to stem the bleeding.

"I hope it isn't infected," Kakyoin mutters worriedly.

"Hurts like hell, but it looks alright," you sigh, "Thankfully the wolf didn't have enough time to mangle it any further."

Kakyoin had done his best to keep your injury from being exposed to outward bacteria with the help of his handkerchief but from the constant hassle of avoiding dangerous things, the wound had reopened. Your blood soaked the handkerchief completely so when you had a chance, you took the risk of cleaning your injury in a nearby stream.

"You sure you're gonna be alright," Kakyoin asks as he gently wraps your uniform tie around your wrist.

"As long as I can still feel my fingers," you wiggle said fingers while blinking rapidly to clear your vision, "I'll be fine."

Kakyoin frowns and presses a hand against your forehead before uttering, "[Y/n], you have a fever! It must be infected."

"Busted," you huff out a laugh while leaning back against the tree, "Didn't think it was important to mention."

"You're in no shape to say that," he frowns.

Closing your eyes briefly you mumble, "I promise you, I'll be alright so don't worry."

"I don't like it, but I trust you," he sighs, "so for now we're gonna rest so you can gain back some of your strength."

"Thanks, Kakyoin," you grin.

As they rest in the shade, they watch the scenery around them change. From spring to winter followed by fall to summer, the seasons changed periodically along with the environment.

Thankfully, nothing attacked them during the change.

Then, the environment changed again, only this time a pathway was opened to them.

"Is that a canvas on the ground," you inquire when Kakyoin helps you to your feet.

"Yeah," he agrees, "but more than one."

Kakyoin picks up the one closest to them before recoiling at the image painted on the canvas. 

"This looks like the lions I encountered when I woke up." The painting was of Kakyoin being ripped apart by pride.

"Yeah, but you didn't get ripped apart by them," you mumble as you pick up another canvas.

"What the hell?!" This time, the painting displays you being ripped apart by the wolves you had run from earlier in the day.

When Kakyoin picks up another canvas the painting involves the dragon they had fought along with their bodies reduced to ash.

"I'm starting to see a pattern here," you scowl.

"Yes, it's very concerning," Kakyoin tosses the canvas on the ground.

As they begin to follow the trail you ask, "Do you think the stand's ability is telling the future?"

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