✮ Chapter 13

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[Calcutta, India]

The group had finally arrived at their next destination: India!

The place was loud and bustling with people, leaving no room for a chance to look around.

The natives of Calcutta surrounded the Crusaders, some begging for money while others chatted idly about taking them on tour to see their marvelous country.

Led by Avdol, it took some time to squeeze through the crowd before the group managed to head over to one of the nicer restaurants in the area.

As the group settled at a table, you absentmindedly fiddled with the sleeve of your shirt. You zone out, lost in your thoughts for a while as Polnareff gets up and asks a waiter where the bathroom was located.

Briefly, you glance at him, lips twitching in amusement.

You had a feeling the bathroom would be something he's not used to.

Not too soon did you hear a loud curse, which sounded like French, disrupt the peaceful atmosphere.

You snort softly, before flinching in surprise when Polnareff rounds the corner with an angered expression.


Before anyone could grab his attention, the man raced out of the restaurant like a bat out of hell.

Confused, yet thoroughly alarmed, the group leave the table and head after him.

"Polnareff, what's gotten you so worked up?" Joseph asks the moment they catch up with him.

The Frenchman could not hide the anger in his eyes as he looked around the area, fists clenched tightly.

Without any explanation, he merely responds to Joseph with, "Mr. Joestar, this is where I leave your group."

"What, why?"

"What's happened?"

The sudden onslaught of questions resorted in Polnareff exclaiming, "I have no time to waste! My sister's killer has come to me and I must hunt him down and kill him for what he's done!"

With a simple 'Goodbye' over his shoulder, he walks away from the only to stop when he hears Avdol say, "Don't be a fool, Polnareff."

Polnareff turns back with a glare.

"And what's that supposed to mean," he demands, "Do you think I'll lose?"

"Yes, I do!" Avdol huffs out. "Can't you tell he's trying to get you alone? Leaving the group is a mistake!"

Polnareff didn't care as he got straight in Avdol's face.

"I don't care about Dio! I told you all this in Hong Kong. I was only traveling with you to find the man who killed my sister, and now that I have, there's no reason to stick with you all any longer!"

Avdol grits his teeth before yelling, "How selfish! Did you forget that Dio brainwashed you?"

"Says the man who ran off like a coward when he saw Dio face-to-face!" Polnareff snaps back.

"Oh, low blow." You wince at the comeback, the atmosphere tense from their yelling.

Avdol had no words to say to that which meant Polnareff had won the argument and in a huff, he went down the road, leaving a stunned Avdol in his wake.

After a minute or two of silence, at least among the remaining group, Avdol declares, "I'm going after him."

"Ah, wait a minute, Avdol—!" Joseph moved to stop him, but it didn't seem to matter.

With a determined expression, Avdol sets off in the same direction as Polnareff had gone before blending in with the present crowd.

"So, what now?" It was Kakyoin that broke the silence. "We can't exactly let them both run off like that."

"I agree," you add in, "Both of them rushing in headfirst like that will lead them straight into the enemy's hands."

Joseph rubs at his head, trying to soothe an oncoming headache.

"You're right," the man sighs, "but we all can't go in different directions. We don't know the enemy's plan, so here's what we'll do."

From there, it was decided that Kakyoin would be the one to go after them, while you remained with Jotaro and Joseph.

Even though you wish you could provide Kakyoin with some help, you knew you'd only slow him down.

In the end, the remaining Crusaders were inevitably split up. With the group fracturing like this, your growing sense of unease seemingly thickens.

Silently, you watch as Kakyoin disappears into the bustling crowd.

Feeling a hand rest upon your shoulder you hear Jotaro say, "Come on. Let's catch up with the old man before he leaves us behind."

"Right," you mutter as you follow Jotaro.

Quietly, you couldn't help but feel as if you all were playing at the enemy's hands.

If anything, you just hoped nothing terrible happens before Kakyoin could catch up with Polnareff and Avdol.

If anything, you just hoped nothing terrible happens before Kakyoin could catch up with Polnareff and Avdol

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