Chapter 2 - Strange Body

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There's gonna be some humor in this chapter, that I wanted to add for you guys xD

I hope you enjoy reading it 💕


“You better fix this! Now!”

“I-I will!” After saying that, Flug ran away, out that door. He was gonna come up with a device to change his boss back. Somehow.

When Flug was gone, Black Hat sighed softly, mostly to himself.

He looked at the mirror, that was near him.

Why did this happen to him? What the hell?


Black Hat looked away from the mirror.

He tried to use his dark magic and other abilities. But, nothing worked. 

Black Hat sighed again. 'Human, with no magic, or anything else. Great..’ he thought, to himself.

He walked out of his room. He walks into his bathroom. He also closed the door behind him.

Black Hat started taking off his clothes, slowly, looking at himself. There was another mirror in front of him. He looked at his chest and stomach first.

He noticed weird changes to his body. He has these things, what do humans call them? Oh right! Nipples and a bellybutton? He was sure that was right.

Black Hat also started to take his pants and boxers off now. He looked down. His eyes widened a little bit, with a slight blush. What the fuck is this? It looks different from the one that he had before. This is the thing that humans call a 'penis’ or 'dick’.

He is naked now. He shaked these thoughts away.

‘The hell has really happened to me?’ Black Hat thought quietly.

Then, he finally stops thinking. He turns on the water, putting it to a warm temperature.

He waited for the tub to be filled with water. It was a lot bigger than normal tubs that humans have.

Black Hat puts his clothes in a neat pile. Then, he takes off his monocle, putting it on his clothing. He looked at the mirror again, noticing that his eye that was covered by the monocle before, was normal. His eyes were the same, instead of being different from each other.

'That's strange..’ he also thought.

He was glad that his eyes still had the same red tint in them tho.

After that, he stared at himself again. Although, he didn't touch himself. Not like he'd know what to do with these things on his body anyway.

Black Hat just touches his neck, rubbing it. He notices that his body is warm, instead of cold now. He also felt something thudding in the inside of his chest, a heart that's beating?

He felt strange, but he tried not to think about it anymore.

He stopped the water, the bath now being fully filled.

Black Hat gets in. He lays down in it. He usually sat up, having a glass of red wine or blood (when he felt like it). He didn't this time, instead he stayed there, silently.

He rested and relaxed, in that warm water now, closing his eyes for a second. 


Another short chapter, sorry again xD

Black Hat, in this Fanfiction, didn't have nipples or an actual dick before. And no, he didn't have a tentacle dick xDD He just had a plain long one (with no tip), to show that he is a male. Now he actually has a human penis. In the fanfic, he doesn't know how to use it or what sex is.

Now that's out of the way.. I just had to explain some things to you guys xDD 

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter :)

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