Chapter 13 - Crimson Blood

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After awhile, they both lay on their sides, facing each other, and being on the ground together.

They eventually closed their eyes and fall asleep, cuddling peacefully and sleepily.


Nine hours later, in the afternoon -

Last night, was nice and peaceful.

After they wake up the next day, both of them get up and walked out of Black Hat's room.

They had work to do again, after all.

Flug is in the lab and Black Hat was in the office.


Now Black Hat was having a heated conversation with a guy on the other end.

It was the client from yesterday, he wanted his money back (even tho, in the contract, it's clearly put that their company doesn't send refunds) and then some. Probably he wants ‘revenge’. This client told him over the phone that he was angry and upset because the weapon ruined his life.

It sounded like the client's problem.

Black Hat didn't really care. He rolled his eyes at this and the guy's yelling.

He also yelled back at this guy.

Eventually, being annoyed, Black Hat hangs up the phone, not wanting to listen to this shit anymore.

“Fucking hell. For Satan's sake. What the fuck.” Black Hat was cursing and cussing, angrily. He leaned back. He glared at the ceiling, in frustration.

He sighed, rolling his eyes again.


Five hours later -

It was getting darker out there.

Black Hat had calmed down and relaxed now. He forgets about what had happened earlier.

He walks out of that office, closing the door behind himself. He was walking down the hallway and into the living room.

Black Hat noticed Flug, as the other male is sat down on the couch. He smiled at him.

Flug smiles, when he saw Black Hat. He gets up and walked over to him. He hugs Black Hat.

Black Hat had a smile, loving Flug's arms around him.

Although, that affectionate moment was slightly ruined by a loud noise and glass breaking. It shattering and falling onto the ground.

It startled Flug and made Black Hat glance at who was there. He pulled away from Flug for a second.

They were confronted by an assassin wearing all black. He also has knives.

This assassin explained why he is there.

Which was strange, but at least, now they know why there's an assassin here.

The client was so angry, that he wanted them killed. He paid good money for a high ranked assassin who's really great at killing other villains.

Black Hat had another glare. He stayed next to Flug, in a protective way.

Flug was slightly scared, shaking a little bit.

“It's gonna be okay.” Black Hat whispered softly to him.

It comfort Flug a bit, as he heard Black Hat's calm voice.

Black Hat knew that they didn't have any weapons and he doesn't have his abilities as a human. He grabs Flug's wrist, quickly and runs away.

They ran from there.

The assassin was running behind them too, chasing these two.

Black Hat accidentally made a wrong turn and goes into the lab, out of habit.

This assassin has a smirk, knowing Black Hat and Dr. Flug can't escape. They're trapped, stuck, and cornered in there.

Black Hat has to protect Flug.

The assassin ran over, he tries to stab the scientist.

But, Black Hat gets in front of him, taking it instead.

He gets stabbed in the stomach.

This assassin jumped back, pulling his knife out.

Black Hat falls to his knees. He was bleeding badly, his blood dripping down to the ground. It's a deadly, beautiful crimson red.

He felt so much pain. There's slight tears in his eyes.

Flug's eyes widened, he runs to Black Hat.

Black Hat collapsed onto his side, laying on the cold ground now.

Flug sat down, next to Black Hat. He pulled the other male into his arms. He also notices the assassin getting closer. He grabs a ray gun from the table.

He didn't know what this one does, but he was going to protect them both. He knew that if he didn't the assassin would finish this, end it and kill them.

Flug's body shaked in fear and worry. He looked down at his lover who's bloody right now.

Black Hat stared at him, silently. His breathing heavy and low, badly shaky. He was losing too much blood. He felt tired, coldness getting to him. He closed his eyes, as he falls unconscious.

Flug held him. He tried to fight the urge to cry.

He kept holding Black Hat, close to him.

“Black Hat..” he said, quietly, tears falling down now.

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