Chapter 12 - Beautiful Roses 🌹 & Alcohol

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It was sleepy kissing, but Black Hat still loved it. These two pull apart from each other's lips, eventually.

Black Hat gets close to Flug again, nuzzling and snuggling against him now. They cuddled each other, as Flug holds him in his arms. They both closed their eyes, enjoying the peaceful quiet.


That next day -

They had both got out of the bed, slowly, because they wanted to stay in the warmth.

But, they can't. Because both of them had stuff to do that day.


Dr. Flug had went to the kitchen, getting his mug and morning drink.

He walked back to the lab, cup of coffee in his hand. He took a long sip, then he noticed something on the table. By the device, was flowers.

Although, not just any flowers.

Beautiful roses. These were stunning to the scientist. They were red, purple, and black roses. Tied and wrapped together in a very beautiful bouquet.

Flug had a smile. His thought was the roses have to be from his lover.

He sat down, looking at them. He notices a card in these roses. He grabs this card and reads it. He was right on who it was from.

It said 'To : My sweet Flug & From : Your Lover, Black Hat' and it also had a heart drawn on the bottom of it, near Black Hat's name.

When Flug noticed that heart, he smiled a bit. He also blushed at the 'my sweet', although he was still smiling.

Flug almost jumped, getting startled by someone behind him. Until he realized who it was.

Black Hat hugs him from behind, wrapping his arms around Flug.

"I see that you got my gift. Do you like it?"

Flug smiles again. "Yes, I do. I love it very much. Thank you." he said to him. He turned around in Black Hat's arms. He gave a kiss to the other male (after he moved his paperbag up).

Black Hat was also smiling. He was glad and happy that Flug loves the roses.

After that, Black Hat pulled away and leaves from there, with another smile.

Flug knew why, it's because his boss had something to do. It is business related, after all.

He also gets back to work on this device now.

Flug keeps the roses by his side too.


Another hour later -

Black Hat was in his office, sitting in the chair, at the desk, leaning on it.

He couldn't meet clients in the human state of body that he's in. He had to keep his reputation of being an eldritch demon after all.

So, he just had a meeting over the phone and sold the product that way. He had also 'trusted' Dementia to give the client their weapon that they got.

She had did what was asked, that's all the boss cared about.


A few hours later -

It's night again now, it being dark out there.

Which Black Hat loved. He had invited the scientist into his room.

They were both in Black Hat's room again. They were sat down on the ground now.

Both of them have been drinking alcohol. They shared drinks together.

In celebration to the success of selling another invention of Flug's, while Black Hat is still in this human form, and keeping it a secret.

They had drank red wine first, then both of them have four beers each. They left the empty bottles on the dark red carpet floor, near them.

With them both being slightly drunk, they just talked and, casually kissed, like they always do.

Both males had a blush on their face.

Although, Black Hat was more flustered, blushing a bit more than Flug. He was drunkenly talking to him, with a slight smile.

After awhile, they both lay on their sides, facing each other, and being on the ground together.

They eventually closed their eyes and fall asleep, cuddling peacefully and sleepily.

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