Chapter 8 - His Mind & These Memories

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Flug saw Black Hat leave, after the kiss that he gave him.

The scientist has another smile, under his paperbag.


A few hours later -

Flug was in his own room, waiting for Black Hat.

He was being in his thoughts, surrounded by that quietness. It always made him feel calm.

His room was different than what he had before.

Flug kept thinking about the past, closing his eyes now.


His mind was filled with memories.

Before everything, when Black Hat was his usual cold self, not a lot of things were okay.

When Flug started working for that demon, he had given a small room in the lab (that was separated from Flug's work space by a door) and a bed that wasn't really comfortable, to the human.

Flug didn't like it, but he tried not to complain to someone who could literally kill him without a second thought or a bat of an eye. He didn't mind after awhile, at least he wasn't sleeping on the ground.

That small luxury as he slept, didn't last. After his boss started breathing down his neck every second and working him to the bone. With yelling and threats, if his inventions weren't done. It took a lot out of the human. Flug got weaker and needed rest, but he was too afraid of Black Hat to even try. He was sleepy and very tired.

A few days later, Flug eventually collapsed from exhaustion.

Black Hat must've heard the thud of the human’s fall, because the next time Flug knew, he had woke up in the demon’s arms.

Flug stared at him. His heart beating within his chest, with a slight blush on his face, as he was so close to his boss. He held onto him, tightly, in fear of falling.

The demon carried the human into another room, a different one that Flug didn't recognize. It wasn't familiar to him.

Black Hat puts him down on the bed.

Flug noticed that it's big, with white sheets and blankets. It was also comfortable, as he lays his back against this bed.

Black Hat looked like he was trying to hide a smile. He stares at him.

Maybe he was seeing things? Flug had that thought for a second.

Flug wondered why Black Hat put him here and if the demon even noticed the human being paler than usual. Did he?

But, the demon did notice that the human was pale and hadn't slept. He knew it was because of him.

Flug noticed a slight look of concern in the demon’s eye. He had a small smile, under his paperbag, when he saw that. It made him feel hope that the demon actually felt something. That he generally cared for his scientist.

He snapped out of his thoughts, as he heard his demonic boss’ deep and dark voice. It had a strangely soft tone to it. Which the human scientist liked.

“Flug, rest now. Sleep.” Black Hat had said to him.

Flug slowly nods his head. He closed his eyes. He felt a blanket as it was pulled over him. He had fallen asleep now.

The demon left the room, after he noticed that the human was unconscious.

His boss disappeared with black smoke, just like a shadow.


Flug opened his eyes. He snaps out of these thoughts, those memories fading away.

Although, he had a smile again, because he remembered that memory with Black Hat. His feelings for his boss only got stronger after that day. He's glad that they have a romantic relationship now.

The scientist shaked his head, hearing for Black Hat. The other male should be there soon.

Flug stayed there, liking the silence around him.

He rested for awhile now. Until he finally heard something, a knock on his door.

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