Chapter 10 - Next Day, Cuddled, & Close Friends

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I felt so bad that I just made Dementia and 5.0.5 disappear through many chapters in this Fanfiction xD Sorry about that. They are in this chapter :)

Anyway, I hope you guys also enjoy this chapter


They got closer, cuddling now.

Both of them loved the silence between them, like they knew each other's thoughts. They rested again, being quiet and taking each other's scent in. They enjoyed the warmth from their bodies.

They eventually fall asleep together, peacefully.


That next morning, 9:22am -

These two were still cuddled, asleep in the bed, together. This room was slightly dim, from the curtains being closed.

Flug wakes up, he rubbed the sleep out of his own eyes.

He noticed that they had turned in their sleep, into a different position.

Black Hat was cuddling the scientist, spooning him from behind. In a loving way, although still sleeping.

Flug smiled a bit, at that. He turned around now, in Black Hat's arms. He leaned down and kissed Black Hat's lips, also touching the other male's hair, gently.

Black Hat hummed softly, in his sleep.

Flug pulled away from him and sat up. He stretched himself, relaxing his body. He had rested well from the peaceful state while asleep.

He had to work on that device again. He started getting up.

But, something stopped him from leaving. It was his boss’ arms.

Flug looked at him.

Black Hat had opened his eyes and glanced at him. He was awake now.

“Don't leave.” he said to him. He felt comfortable and loved Flug's warmth.

“Black Hat, I-I have to finish that device for you.” Flug told him.

Black Hat shaked his head. “I don't care right now.” He kept his arms wrapped around Flug, tightly. He was still holding him. “Stay here. You're warm.”

Flug laughed kind-heartedly. He silently agreed to stay with him, a little bit longer.

He lays down and snuggled against his lover, warmly. He also still had a smile.

'Why is he so adorable?’ Flug thought, to himself, quietly.

Black Hat also smiled. He stayed there, close to him. He stared at him, affectionately.

Flug still had his paperbag and goggles off. He was also staring, into Black Hat's eyes. He takes in Black Hat's nice scent, loving it and his lover's warm body.


Flug had stayed for awhile, until he gets up, off the bed and out of Black Hat's grip.

Black Hat finally let him leave, for now.

Flug puts on his clothes, then his paperbag and goggles.

“B-Be right back. You can stay here. I-If you want to.”

Black Hat nods his head, his stare on Flug again. “Ok.” he replies to that, with a slight smile.

Flug smiles at him again. Then, he left from there. He closes the door behind him. He walks over to the lab, after that.

Meanwhile, Black Hat stays in the bed, he liked the comfortable blankets and Flug's scent on it. He felt lonely, but he'll survive without him for an hour or two. He stares at the ceiling, then he sighed softly. He closed his eyes again.


Flug didn't hear it, as someone walked into the lab.

“Hey, Fluggy.”

The scientist heard Dementia's voice.

Dementia has a smile. She came in normally this time, instead of through the vents like usual.

“Hi, Dem. What's up?” Flug asked, casually. He focused on the device in front of him.

Dementia looked at him. “Nothing much really. Where's Black Hat? I haven't seen him around in awhile. He's usually in his room, right?”

“Y-Yeah. Maybe he is sick or something.” Flug said to her, a lie for Black Hat's sake. His boss didn't want Dementia or 5.0.5 to know that he is human, nor did he want them to found out that him and the scientist are in a relationship. So, Flug reasonably felt it a secret for him.

Dementia seem to not know that it was a lie, as she just nods her head.

“Oh ok. But, why was Black Hat in your room last night? It was so dark that I couldn't see him well, when he walked into your room. Your door was also locked. I heard breathing and weird noises. Also, he said your name in a strange voice. And he didn't leave your room ever.” Dementia said, her voice had slight suspicion in it. She questioned him.

Flug blushed (although, it was hid by his paperbag) at that.

She saw Black Hat walk into his (Flug's) room, and even more bad, she heard them.

These were Flug's thoughts anyway. He was thinking as his mind and heart raced for a minute.

“H-He was having a hard time sleeping l-last night, so he came to my room. Also, those 'noises’ you h-heard was him having another nightmare.” Flug lied again.

Dementia was strangely convinced it wasn't a lie. She didn't usually fall for lies. She's actually pretty smart, than others think. But, this time, she was sadly naive.

Flug felt bad for the girl, honestly. That he couldn't tell her the truth, but it's probably for the better.

Dementia stares at him, looking at the scientist. “So, last night, you were comforting him?”

Flug nodded his head, not saying anything else.

Dementia had an envious look in her eyes. Instead of being jealous, angry, or upset. Which surprised Flug.

“Aww, no fair. I wanted to be there and comfort him.” she said to Flug.

Flug only shrugged. “S-Sorry.” he simply replied, to not get Dementia suspicious of him again.

After that, they talked a little while longer, before Dementia eventually left him alone and leaves the lab.


Dr. Flug was in need for some more coffee. So, he headed towards the kitchen, walking in there.

He notices the blue bear, 5.0.5 was looking for something in the cabinet.

“What are you doing?” Flug also asked him. His voice was soft and nice, a calm tone that he always used with 5.0.5.

5.0.5 made a noise and walked over to him.

That human scientist had heard a growl from the bear’s stomach.

Flug has another smile. “Hungry?”

5.0.5 nodded his head.

Flug loves the blue bear's innocent eyes and sweet nature. It always made him feel calm. This bear always kept him happy and sane.

“Let's get you something to eat then.” Flug replied to him.

5.0.5 nods his head again, happily now.

Flug keeps his smile, as he made something for the bear.

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