Chapter 4 - Take Care Of Yourself

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This is just a chapter with Flug taking care of Black Hat, it's very fluffy 😊


Black Hat went into his room, closing the door behind him.

He takes off his clothes, except his boxers.

After that, he silently gets into his bed, under the blankets. He puts his head on the pillow. He closed his eyes and falls asleep.


An hour later -

Black Hat opens his eyes again. He wasn't actually ‘asleep’, he was just resting.

He gets up, putting on his long sleeved and buttoned up red shirt with his black dress pants.

Black Hat didn't feel like putting the rest of his clothes on. He also stayed barefoot. Although, he did put his monocle back on.

He was standing there for a second. His head felt strange, his body started getting shaky. He was also dizzy?

'What is this?’ he thought, to himself.

Black Hat left the room, walking down the hallway again.

His throat feels dry and his stomach made weird noises, it was aching too.

'What the hell?’ Black Hat also thought.


Black Hat finally went into the lab again. He walked slowly, for some reason. He doesn't know why.

Flug noticed him and was about to say something, until he saw that Black Hat looked slightly paler than usual. He was a bit worried about him now.

“S-sir, you alright?” he asked Black Hat.

Black Hat stared at Flug now. “..I'm fine.” he said to him, quietly.

Flug stares at the other male, silently. He was unsure if his boss was really okay.

Black Hat got dizziness again. He falls to the ground. He almost fainted, but he didn't, staying awake.

“B-Black Hat!” Flug yelled, he ran over to him, kneeling down now.

He looked at him. He knew that Black Hat wasn't alright. But, what's wrong? Maybe..

Flug thought for a second, then he knew what happened. Black Hat didn't realize that he's now human, he has to take care of himself. To do things that he didn't need before.

“You haven't been sleeping, eating, or drinking anything.. Did you?”

Black Hat shaked his head. “No. Why?”

Flug sighed softly. “Sir,'re human n-now. You have to t-take care of yourself. You n-need water, food, and sleep.” he explained to Black Hat.

Black Hat nods his head, slowly.

Flug was surprised that Black Hat didn't argue with him. But, he didn't question his boss. Instead, he helps the other male up.

They walk to Black Hat's room, closing the door behind them.

Flug made Black Hat sit down on the edge of the bed.

“S-Stay here, I'II b-be right back.” Flug told him, then he leaves.

Black Hat stays there. He didn't know why he was listening, but he did it anyway. He stayed, like his scientist asked of him.


Meanwhile, Flug was in the kitchen now.

He made some chicken noodle soup for Black Hat and he also got a glass of water for him.

Flug walked back to the room. He closes the door behind him.

He notices that Black Hat had stayed there. He had a slight smile at that. Although, it couldn't be seen, because of his paperbag.

Flug puts the water on the nightstand. Then, he sat down, next to Black Hat. He also put the bowl of soup in between them.

“Y-You should t-try to eat.” Flug also said to Black Hat.

Black Hat nodded his head again. He lets Flug take care of him. He was a bit hesitant, but he slowly grabs the spoon anyway. He tries some of the soup.

He hummed at the taste. He liked it. This food was actually nice and good. That soup is warm, not too hot. He kept eating and enjoyed it.

Flug reached up to touch Black Hat's shoulder, but he doesn't. He just stays with him instead. He was glad that Black Hat had ate and was starting to take care of himself. Flug smiles again.

Black Hat gave a small smile to his scientist.

Flug noticed, liking that. Black Hat was being nice to him. He loved this feeling. It felt good.

Black Hat had eventually finished the soup.

Flug gives the glass of water to him.

Black Hat grabs it. He drank the water, in slow sips. It felt refreshing.

After a minute, he gave the empty cup to Flug.

Flug pushed Black Hat down, gently, on the bed.

Black Hat is laying on his back now. He was staring at Flug again.

“Sleep now, please?” Flug said, his voice was silent, although he meant it.

“Alright.” Black Hat stays there, he turned around and lays on his side, facing Flug. He looked at him again.

After that, he closed his eyes now.

Flug was still staying there with Black Hat, for awhile.

Eventually, Black Hat had fallen asleep.

Flug pulls a blanket over him, gently. He has another smile, noticing that Black Hat was snuggled against a pillow.

He gets up from the bed, silently again. He grabbed the empty bowl and glass cup.

Flug left the room now, as he closed the door behind himself, quietly.

He goes into that kitchen again. He puts the bowl and cup in the sink. He turns on the water, washing the dishes.

After that was done, he walks down the hallway.

Flug noticed the quietness, loving it. He decided not to be in the lab right now, instead he walked into his own room. He also closed that door behind him.

He rested on his bed. He liked this nice silence in the mansion. He relaxed now, and eventually, he closes his eyes too.


I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter :) and that it's nicely written xDD Tell me what you thought about it 🎩

I'm also hoping that you guys' christmas & holiday/winter season is going wellBtw, mine is, I love Christmas 💙❄

Also, I'm letting you all know now, that I'II be posting a villainous christmas one-shot soon [on Christmas Eve, to be exact] ❆ ♡ So, wait for that and I hope you love reading it 💕

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