Chapter 3 - Heartbeat

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Black Hat gets in. He lays down in it.

he stayed there, silently.

He rested and relaxed, in that warm water now, closing his eyes for a second.


After awhile, Black Hat gets out of the bath.

He drains the water and dries off with a towel.

Then, he puts his monocle and clothes on again. 

He left after that. 


Black Hat was walking down the hallway. He heard something. Like a thud in his chest. He also felt it.

That was strange to him. He didn't understand what this was, or what it's meant to do. He holds his chest, his hand against it.

He walks away from there.


Black Hat quickly walked into the lab.

Dr. Flug was there.

“Flug!” Black Hat yelled at him.

Flug flinched and jumped a little bit, hearing his boss’ loud voice.

“S-sir?! W-What is it? T-The invention to turn you back isn't finished yet! I-I'm sorry!” His voice was quick and stuttering.

“Not that! This!” Black Hat pointed at his own chest, as he said that.

Flug looked at him, confused.

“It's doing something weird! I don't understand why!” Black Hat also yells out, when Flug didn't say anything. “It's thudding! I don't know..”

Dr. Flug finally understands what his boss meant.

“Oh.. B-Boss, that's your h-heart beating.” he said to him, with a small smile.

Black Hat frowned in confusion. Until he thought about it.

He shouldn't have a heartbeat! He had a dead, cold heart. Although, he is human now. His heart is now warm and alive, beating. He isn't as lifeless anymore. Everything was strange to him now.

These were Black Hat's thoughts.

Black Hat noticed that his skin and body are also warm, instead of having a cold feeling. He felt the warmth of it.

Then, he remembered that he forgot that humans have beating hearts. He's one of them now, so why wouldn't he?

He had a slight blush, in embarrassment.

Flug notices Black Hat's slightly reddish face. “Y-You okay?”

Black Hat started yelling again. “I'm fine!”

“O-Ok! S-Sorry!”

Black Hat stares at him for a second, then he looked away. He shaked off all this strangeness, for now.

He walks out of there, quietly.

Black Hat went into his room, closing the door behind him.

He takes off his clothes, except his boxers.

After that, he silently gets into his bed, under the blankets. He puts his head on the pillow. He closed his eyes and falls asleep. 


This was a very short chapter again xD Sorry about that. I'II really try to write the next chapter long.

Bye for now

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